Losing bad

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Marcus Flint had called a meeting .And Harley was late. With all the tension between the two houses -Slytherin and Griffindor - being late to a Quidditch team meeting, was an offence greater than using an unforgivable curse. At least that's how Flint make it sounds .

"Late! At this point! HARLEY BLACK! ARE- YOU - LISTENING -TO -ME"
The last was pretty much bellowed by Flint. Harley was unaffected.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm listening .Carry on Flint"

"Nope. "
"You little -"

"Flint calm down .What was it about firebolt again? "
Warrington being the voice of reason? Harley would have thought she was dreaming . But she was thankful all the same to have Flint off her back.

"Potter's got one. And well everyone knows how good it is. We-"

"But we have one too. " Harley interrupted. The look of shock on all of their faces was priceless.
"What? "

"Well I have been using the Nimbus before, I thought I'd buy a broom of my own "
"A Firebolt? "

"Why is it so unbelievable? "
"This means our game just stepped up. We already have an advantage we just have to keep up"

"Well if I might remind you we have a disadvantage "
Harley pointedly looked at Draco. Harley could have made a much better seeker. Flint pretends not to notice.

"Anyways Harley, you are to tail Potter. Don't let him near the snitch at any cost. "
"Well it highly depends if I have a buldger at hand doesn't it? "

"Knock him off his broom with yours then. But you can count that you will have the buldger. "
"What of defense, if I'm always on the offense? "

"We are all on offense "
Said flint the same time as Bole, who said:
"You are not the only beater. We will manage "

Bole, the other beater looked like he wanted to say something unprintable to her. But had refrained for God knows why.

"Chill I was just asking "

"And Harley if you spot the snitch again, and Potter is close enough, hit him with a buldger. Or hit the snitch. Or hit him. It doesn't matter but don't let him touch it"
"If only you made me the seeker. You wouldn't have to go through all this trouble "

The moment Flint had to take to control his breathing told Harley that he agreed with her. Harley could find the snitch much faster than Malfoy. Perhaps even Harry.

The rest of the meeting Harley barely paid any attention.


On the day of the match Harley was feeling pretty much terrible. All three houses were booing slytherin. And she knew that Sirius would be supporting Griffindor. Not that she had been talking much to him these days.

The stadium rumbled when everyone saw Harley with a firebolt. Not even Slytherins -besides the ones in the team- knew. But honestly Harley was not at all satisfied as she once thought she would be. She wasn't sure she would be happy even if they won. Infact she wasn't sure if she'd ever be happy again.

When the match began Harley so badly wanted to jump off her broom. They were so going to lose .

Harley wanted to win yes but she knew they were at it in the wrong way. She was the only girl in the team and was so far the only one who had not been instructed to ram into griffindor players.

Harley Potter and her world famous twinWhere stories live. Discover now