Not an update (heads up since I don't want to get your hopes up)

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So I had re read the entire Harry Potter series because someone told me that they thought I'd keep with the original ship of Harry and Ginny. And I honestly don't remember why I hated the ship. I had just hated it from when I was 11.

Now I guess Harry and Ginny are a great ship in its own way. Maybe I hated it as a kid because I sorta had a crush on Harry and Ginny is nothing like me, so perhaps I had wanted someone who's like me to be with Harry. I don't know really. It's just guesses. Afterall it's been so many years ago.

As for why I support Luna, I don't know that either. Maybe it's coz she's a little weird, like me.

Anyway I kept the opinion of a eleven year old girl within me all this time and I just hated it for no reason. Not to mention all the posts against Ginny/Harry ship that was there to make me think that my way of thinking was right.

Anyways now I think Ginny is Harry's perfect match. But....since this is a fanfic, I could still go with Luna. Because there's people who ship Harry with Riddle, so I don't think there's anything wrong with this.

But it's your choice.
Do you want Harry x Ginny or Harry x Luna ?

I'll make my decision based on your comments.

On a side note,
I'm just thinking.... we all hate Dursleys yes, but they weren't that extremely bad, were they? At least not Petunia.

I mean let's be real. A baby is not going to grow up by itself. It would need to be cared for.

So imagine Petunia, calming down baby Harry. Dressing him up, feeding him, cleaning up after him.

Maybe she never told him stories, maybe she never sung him lullabies. But she must have put him to sleep at least on a those terrible nights when the child refuse to sleep and cries.

So did she suddenly start treating him terribly one day? If so why?
What I'm thinking is that she took care of him alright until he started showing signs of magic.

Perhaps he was four or five or maybe six when he started. Until then they must've thought that they 'squashed the magic ' out of him.

And then they started treating him like we know of.
And Harry wouldn't remember. Not if she just provided only the most basic things.

Anyway just a thought... I just thought I'd share and see what you all think

Also check this out 👇

Also check this out 👇

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This is what happens to me 99

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This is what happens to me 99.9% times you give me a compliment
So forgive me for being awkward
Also if you know the artist let me know, I just found this in my gallery, probably screenshoted a long time ago.

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