Anabiel 🌙

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Hermione had been trying her best to convince Harley to talk to Harry whenever she spotted her in the library. Maybe that was why Harley rarely came to the library the past few days.

But since Harry had talked to Sirius after knowing of first task, Harley had mysteriously gotten willing to let go of her petty feud and had started to help Harry.

(Hermione knew it was Sirius's work and so did Harry. Because Sirius himself had told Harry that everything would work out and Harley would be able to help him with dragons. Hermione also knew that if they ever spoke about it, Harley would only get pissed. So they just pretend that Harley had given up on fighting by herself)

Harley was astonishingly well versed in charms and hexes. She was a master of many spells Hermione had never even heard of, much less practiced.

Knowing that Harry's facing dragons, Harley's first suggestion was a fireproofing spell , for defense , but Harry was no good at it and it seemed too complex for him to learn in a short time. In the end they agreed that Harley would put it on him before he went in for the first task.

For offence Harley had suggested attacking the dragon in the eye. It was apparently the only weakness it possessed. Harry hadn't been much good in that either.

But then Professor Moody told him of using his talents and it seemed that all he really needed to learn was the summoning charm .Harley wasn't much good as teacher but she had sent them a couple of notes she had prepared via an owl.
Why she had to sent an owl to someone she could just talk to, Hermione had no idea.

Harry does the first task all the same, with an additional detail that Harley had made his robes fireproof the night before .

Contrary to Hermione's beliefs, Harley had not helped Harry just because Sirius said so. She was helping Harry even when she was plotting revenge. She had been working on who Barty Crouch Jr was.

And she continued to do so.
The problem was that books in Hogwarts library didn't have such information. And The Book of Everything and Anything was being as unhelpful as ever .
Another problem was that something was going on between Pansy and Gideon and they weren't being very subtle about it.

For the first problem, Harley had no immediate solution. But the second, well there might be something she could do.


Harley was helping Vincent with transfiguration homework ( which FYI was the most frustrating thing she ever did considering that the boy was stupid as duck) when Gideon who was slouching on a bean bag sped through the common room, to the boys dorms, knocking an inkpot over the table on which Harley was sitting (along with Vincent, Blaise and Millicent) splattering them with ink in the process.

(Remainder :Vincent =Vincent Crabbe)

When Harley looked, sure enough, it was because of Pansy. Pansy had just came into the common room and looked sadly towards the boys dorms before she went into the girls dorms.

Harley had had enough of this stupid drama.

She got up and went to the girl's dorms where Pansy was looking for something in her trunk. Or was trying to look busy to avoid Harley. Probably the later.

"Pansy "Harley called. She was ignored. "Pansy "She called again, a threat underlining her tone.

"What? "
"Come with me "Harley said grabbing her wrist. "Let's put a stop to this cat and mouse play "

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