Bonus Chapter 2 :Random Happenings @ Slytherin common room

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A cosy but cold rainy day. The rain makes the view of the dark lake look pitch black .Everyone sitting disorderly in the common room 

Pansy is upside down on a bean bag
Gideon is curled up on another ,a blanket wrapped around her.
Harley on the floor in a pile of cushions and throw pillows, reading a classic romance novel with a completely academic look.

Draco is bundled in sweaters and is on a couch. Theodore Nott next to him drinking hot chocolate from a tea cup much to Draco's annoyance.
Crabbe sitting cross legged on the carpeted floor after stealing Theodore's flask of extra hot chocolate.

Blaise holding an extremely boring muggle history book , which he pretends to read to impress Harley, not knowing that the book she's reading is actually Jane Austen. (Harley knows what he's doing but pretends not to)

Goyale leaning against the side of the fireplace not bothering about soot . Draco scolding him for smudging soot on his (Goyale's own) clothes.

Pansy: Let's play truth or dare .Who's in?
Everyone : .....
Gideon : *doubtfully rises a hand*
Everyone : .....
Pansy : It seems that only Gids consider me as a friend *sad puppy dog eyes *

Theodore : *Raises a hand*
Theodore : *Kicks Crabbe *
Crabbe : *yelps* *Raises hand *
Theodore : *elbows Draco *
Draco : *scoots away *

Theodore : *glares at everyone not raising hands*
Goyale: *Raises hand*
Theodore : *glares again *
Everyone : ....
Theodore : *sighs and gives pansy an itriedmybest look*

Pansy :*nods to Gideon *
Gideon : *makes puppy dog eyes *
Harley : *looks him right in the eye *

*intense eye contact between Harley and Gideon *

Harley : *sighs* *raises hand in defeat*
Blaise: *immediately raises hand *
Draco : *Also raises hand after glancing at Harley *

Pansy : Yay! Everyone in. I'm gonna start asking.
Blaise : wait what?
Pansy : what?
Blaise : aren't we supposed to spin a bottle or something?
Pansy : who cares? I'm gonna ask all questions.
Blaise : oh~kaay. That's.... Totally fair

Pansy :First Gideon! Truth or dare?
Gideon : *realising that she can ask him to say truth in a dare as well * Truth

Pansy: okay so ...what all would you pack if you were told you have to leave in ten minutes with only a suitcase . And you would never be allowed to return.
Gideon :Am I supposed to tell you what's important to me or...

Pansy :Things you'll pack.
Gideon :Alright then. Truth? I'd pack nothing much. Maybe a tooth brush and some undies. Then I'd try to pick my favorite shirts and have an existential crisis.

Everyone: .....
Blaise :Mood.
Everyone: .....
Pansy:....Oooookay, I'll just act like this is normal...

Pansy :So next is Theo. Truth or dare?
Theodore :Dare?
Pansy :Tell us your deepest darkest secret.
Theodore :That's not fair, I chose dare
Harley :That rhymes.
Theodore :Thank you
Harley :It wasn't a compliment
Theodore : ~_~

Pansy : you are going off topic. I dare you tell us your deepest darkest secret
Theodore : When I was a kid we had this Crup and it hated me. And I tried to kill it by giving it chocolate syrup.

Crabbe : Chocolate syrup?
Theodore : My mom told me it was poison so that I won't take it

Pansy :....

Draco : Is just in my mind or are we one fucked up group?
Harley :Yep we're pretty fucked up .

Blaise :No one asked you two to say truths!

Pansy :Uh I'll ask Blaise next, tell me a fun fact. And please no nightmare feed.
Blaise :Ugh...'kay. So um there's no P in Arabic. So you'll be Bansy Barkinson in Arabic.

Draco :Barkinson sounds nice. Can I call you that from now?
Harley : Of  course Barkinson would have no broblem! Do you, Bansy?

Pansy : Shut your trap
Harley : If you wish so, Bansy.
Pansy :Harley, I swear-
Harley : Bansy, don't swear things you can't do.

Pansy : *sighs* how long are you going to keep at this?
Harley :Only until I grow tired, or bossibly until you get used to it, my sweet Bansy Barkinson

Pansy :Zabini, I'm gonna murder you.
Gideon : Pans, let's just continue the game
Gideon : *Leans over to Pansy *
Gideon : *Whispers * you can dare Harley to do that

Pansy : Oh no I've got even better plans for Harley
Pansy :Harley truth or Dare, wait no, you only get dare. I don't think I can get any non-fucked up truth from you

Harley : *shrugs* True enough . Also I would've chose dare either way.
Pansy : okay then, kiss the most gorgeous person in this room.

Harley : okay. Is gender specified?
Harley : *stares intently at Pansy *
Pansy : *Blushes* N-no

Harley : *Looks at Gideon*
Gideon : *Blushes*
Draco : *scowls*

Harley : *Gets up *
     *Walks around looking at everyone*
     *Stops next to Draco *

Draco : *gulps and looks at Harley *
Harley : *Touches Draco's cheek delicately*

Draco : *Pretty much prepare himself for the inevitable kiss*
Pansy : *Internally cheering them*

Blaise : *Looks visibly upset *
Everyone else : *Looks exited *

Harley : *Leans away *
Everyone : *Surprised Pikachu face *

Harley : *Pulls out a mirror and kisses it*
Blaise : *sighs in relief * *Mentally does air punches*

Everyone : .....

Harley : Sorry peeps but I'm the most gorgeous person in this room. Or any room
Draco : *mentally agrees*



Bonus :Draco's thought's

Draco didn't know if he was happy or disappointed. The two emotions were plenty different that one wouldn't think that they'd be confused but, here he was doing the impossible.

Harley had come pretty close to kissing him, yet she hadn't. Why?
Was she shy? No that word is not one to be associated with miss Harley Shameless Black.

But she had to think that he was the most gorgeous person besides her, right ? Or was she just making fun of him?

Either way Draco agreed with her choice. For a thing she was the most gorgeous .For another, Draco didn't like the idea of her kissing someone in front of him. (Someone other than him that is)

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