Fourth year

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At the start of the year feast, Harley found herself seated between Blaise and Draco as Gideon gave her sympathetic glances from two places across, where he was seated with Pansy.

Pansy had asked her to switch places so that should could talk with Gideon. That was something Harley appreciated since Gideon baj7rely talked to anyone besides her. But what she didn't appreciate was the fact that Malfoy was sitting beside her. Judging the smirk on her face, Harley was pretty sure that Pansy had planned this. But for what?
'What in the name of Merlin are you trying to do?' Harley mouthed. 'Me? Having some fun'  Pansy mouthed back with an innocent look.

'And what exactly is your definition of fun? '  Harley asked, not convinced by the innocent look. If anything it made her wary.

'I don't know maybe a little drama? '
Pansy mouthed. Harley glared.
'It's literally the first day. How bored can you be? 'She asked.
Pansy simply shrugged and turned to Gideon, ignoring her.


Draco watched Harley and Pansy talking with amusement. He could tell that Pansy was up to something all right. The notion was confirmed when the girl gave him a wink when Harley wasn't looking. But Draco couldn't put his finger on what.

Whatever Pansy was upto was he was thankful not to have her seated next to him. Not that sitting near Harley was any better.

Harley, it seemed, would look anywhere except at him. She talked to Zabini , to Pansy and Moon halfway across the table, and even to Goyale who was sitting on Draco's otherside all while managing not to look at him.

The way she was ignoring him could be a special talent as so far no one could do that. The way she ignored him, he might as well as have been nonexistent.

Draco noticed that Pansy was watching Goyale excitedly talking to Harley over Draco's head. He, Goyale, seemed to be enjoying Harley's attention. It was perhaps the first time she talked to the boy.

When Pansy caught his eyes, she smirked. The vixen!

"Harley " Draco interrupted her discussion about the Triwizard tournament (Pretty much everyone in Slytherin knew of it. No thanks to Draco)

Harley didn't even look his way, instead she turned and grabbed a treacle tart.
"Harley " he called her again, this time stopping her hand from reaching for another.
She sighed but didn't look at him. She reached for a chocolate pudding instead .

Draco grabbed it out of her hands and finally, finally  she looked at him
"What? "She snapped.
"Why are you ignoring me? "

She sighed again before whispering
"Pansy is up to something. Careful "
Then she continued ignoring him.

Somehow Draco felt relief knowing that she wasn't ignoring him personally. He had almost wondered if their little encounter at the world cup had caused Harley to be this hostile.


After professor Moody was introduced, he locked eyes with Harley for a moment. She felt a shiver run down her spine. It was as if he had something against her. But that couldn't be...

Perhaps it was paranoia from her childhood, fearing all great Aurors because of their situation, perhaps it was the eye that supposedly could see through anything, perhaps it was the scared face. Whatever it was Harley was dreading defense against dark arts classes.

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