Finally Quidditch

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Harley had been very much hoping to be in the slytherin quidditch team for a long while. She, like her brother, wanted to be a seeker but she wasn't bad at other parts either. She didn't mind what part she played as long as she got to play.

At first she was quite happy when Mr Malfoy brought brooms for everyone in the team, as her own broom was back at Grimmauld's place.

But the joy didn't last long. The brooms were a sort of bribe to assure Draco's place as the slytherin seeker. Harley decided not to dwell on that.

But when she asked Marcus Flint, the captain if she could try out he didn't reply. Instead they burst into laughter.

"You? A girl? You'd fly off in the wind even without a broom" a burly sixth year said. They continued to laugh.

Harley's cheek turned a bit pink, but otherwise she didn't change her expression.
"I'm good I promise. Just give me a chance "

"And then collect your corpse? No way kid" It was flint.

"Please " As soon as the word left her mouth, a voice piped up.
"Let her try, Flint. There's nothing for you to loose. If she breaks her bones it's her business " Draco Malfoy... Harley did not like the boy but she was thankful for his intervention.

"On one condition... "Harley who had been about say thanks paused. Expect Malfoy to add something horrible after something good.

"......she should say please to me"
Harley felt like laughing. True, she had an ego but not one big enough that she'd give up Quidditch for it.

"Please? " Harley asked. Malfoy looked a bit surprised but shook his head. It was not enough. Okay to say more would wound her pride, but considering the alternative...

"Pretty please ?" she looked him right in the eye but she folded her hands pleadingly, crushing her pride as she did. Draco noded .Harley sighed in relief even as people laughed at her.

It doesn't matter who laughs now. She will have the last laugh.


Harley stood awkwardly as Flint argued with the Griffindor captain. She couldn't remember his name.

"Malfoy? What was that guy's name? Something Wood? Or was it Timber ?"
Harley was not joking but Draco burst out laughing anyway. Just as everyone before them parted to show the Griffindors, their new seeker.

Harley was almost smiling but she wiped it off her face, the moment all the attention fell on her.


Hermione Granger was perhaps the only one who noticed the pale and thin slytherin girl, who did not laugh with the slytherins.

Harley Black stood behind the older slytherins, her hands holding a school broom. The girl looked even more frail than she did last year. Her skin was pale enough to be translucent and her limbs looked longer than it was. She looked like a ghost. A starved and tortured ghost.

Hermione had considered Harley a friend or at least as some one who's not an enemy. And perhaps the feelings were not as one-sided as she thought.

Harley was the only slytherin who looked shocked for a moment when she, Hermione, was called a mudblood.
The only slytherin who glanced back at them as they made their way to Hagrid's hut. Her face was devoid of emotions but Hermione knew she was worried.


Harley was good at flying, good enough that Marcus Flint was looking at her in wonder after she perfectly executed everything he asked.

He looked like he wanted to praise her, but after glancing at Malfoy, who did not look happy at all, he turned solemn.

"Black, I have to admit that you are good. Why don't you try out as a beater? "

The current beaters immediately started complaining.

"If you have no objections we can see how well you manage as a player. Afterall quidditch is not about fancy moves"
"Or fancy brooms"

Flint glared at Harley trying to intimidate her, but she stared right into his eyes. She was barely half the size of him but she firmly held her ground.

Harley knew that Flint wanted her out. Otherwise he wouldn't have suggested the beaters position. Harley was not a physically that strong at a glance . He probably expected her to not be able to even swing a bat.

Her body was agile as her mind. But she wasn't burly or muscular at all. She was slim and elegant and pale.Her built was perfect for a seeker. Not at all one for a beater.

But Harley knew she could do it.

Because those who thought of her as an elegant and fragile girl, did not see her busted knuckles. They did not see the innumerable scars all over her. They did not see the steel that ran beneath her skin or the fire the lived in her veins.

She nodded and mounted the comet-11 again.

Harley noticed that they were purposefully sending all the buldgers her way. She smiled. A smile that would have made people shiver if they ever saw it, but there was no one near her to see her maniac expression.

She was simply directing the buldgers away from her and the chasers at first, as they didn't have any opposition . But as the practice progressed, her patience withered.

At last she swung the bat with enough force that the budget went flying towards the dark forest. Someone whistled.

Flint, who was surprised to see her hold her own, now had his jaw hanging to the floor.

Still looking like a fish, he pointed at one of the beaters and made a shooing motion. Then he locked eyes with Harley.
"You . You are in. "

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