Bonus chapter 3 : The Mirror of Erised

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A little heads up : This is not a part of the story since there's no way  for Harley to find the mirror in the norm. I know I can change storyline to get Harley to the mirror but it has no relevance so...
This is done per the wishes of  Gavoop

Also I was listening to 'you are the reason ' by Calum Scott  and 'Memories ' by Maroon 5.
I think most of the lyrics for You are the reason fits this..



Harley wandered through the corridors, as sleep didn't grace her tonight. If filch caught her, she'd be dead meat but she had cast an illusion of herself and hopefully it worked on cats too.

She planned on visiting Myrtle. She had been too busy these days. But Myrtle ,as annoying and selfish as she was, was one of the first friends Harley had made.

She must've taken a wrong turn or two, because she was in an unfamiliar corridor. Harley didn't know where she was so she decided to just go ahead. She'd find her way back to the common room some how, no matter how much time it took. She didn't feel like sleeping anyway.

Harley paused when the corridor ended at a door. Perhaps going back would've been the right choice. But Harley made choices she regretted all the time. What was one more to a life time 's worth collection of bad decisions?

She pushed lightly on the door which opened with a creepy creak. Harley walked in to find a mirror. A full length mirror with an ornate gold frame.

She lit up her wand for a better view. And was startled by her own reflection. She was smiling in it. But Harley wasn't smiling... She felt her lips to check. No. She wasn't smiling. But her reflection was.

In the mirror she smiled like she was absolutely happy. Care free. Like she was innocent. As if she hadn't lost her childhood too early.

Harley stepped closer to the mirror and she saw something she didn't see before. Something that made it hard not to cry.

In the reflection, Sirius and Remus stood together, behind her. They looked like a happy couple. And Harry. He was right next to her, looking at her with love and a tiny bit of annoyance , looking at her like a brother would look at a sister.

But that wasn't what made her emotional. No. It was the person who had their arms wrapped around her. Roan. Her silky blond hair ruffled, her cheeks flushed, her smile brighter than the sun. The gold pendant that Harley bought lying over her paint splattered T-shirt.

Harley bit her lips and covered her eyes. Even though she wanted to look. But it was agony to see Roan as mere image. To not be beside her. To know that she could never again be beside her again . Even if hell and heaven existed they'd never meet. Because Roan would be in heaven and she in hell.

Harley opened her eyes and it almost seemed like her eyes locked with Roan's but no. It was like watching a video. And it hurt. A lot. But Harley didn't close her eyes again.

Then she noticed an inscription on top of the mirror : Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi.

That sounded weird and Harley tried to read it backwards, because it's a mirror and whatever was written on it might be written backwards.
Ishow no tyo urfac ebu tyo urhe arts desire

And then it clicked.
I show not your face but your hearts desire
Not good. But Harley had no fucks left to give. She knew that this was probably bad for her already shot mental health, but she didn't care. If she did, she would have left .

Instead she sat cross legged besides the mirror. Too tired to stop the tears, she let them flow, down her cheeks, dripping down her chin , getting the front of her shirt wet.. What was the use with putting up a show anyway? No one was there to see.
Would anyone even care if they saw? Probably not .

Roan had cared though. Had loved her, had trusted her, had known all her secrets . And she was dead. Dead because of her. Dead.

Dead’ Harley whispered to herself ,‘Roan's dead’ , looking at the image of her best friend. Feeling the pain flowing through her veins. Welcoming it.
The words were something she knew, something she thought she accepted. But speaking it was different. Like reopening an old wound and then poking it again and again and again .Until the pain was familiar. Until the pain seemed almost pleasant.

Harley didn't know when, but she slipped into sleep, leaning against the mirror, in which her Roan was still smiling along with what was left of her family.


Harley was missing and professor Snape was worried. He had gone to the Slytherin common room to make the kids stop making noise. That was when he noticed that Harley wasn't there.

Pansy Parkinson had informed him that Harley was a rare sight in the past few days . And no one had thought of reporting. Snape assigned detentions to the entire 4th year Slytherins. Including Harley.

Snape had finally found after about an hour of searching. The child was sleeping next to the mirror of erised , on a blanket. Severus wondered for a moment what exactly had the girl seen. Did she see Lily, like he did?

Picking up the girl, Severus caught a glimpse of the mirror. Lily was smiling at him. And then she pointed to the sleeping girl in his arms. ‘Ours’ Lily  mouthed ‘Take care of her’

Severus turned away. He didn't want to see anymore. But this was new, Lily telling him that.
Looking at the girl sleeping peacefully, Severus wondered if she would've been his child, if things hadn't gone the way it did. If he hadn't taken an interest to dark arts.

Perhaps in another world, in another life, Lily would be his. And the child, theirs.

Severus walked out with the sleeping child. Take care of her. He will. He will protect the child with his life. Anything for Lily. He didn't look back. But he did glance once more at the face of the little girl. Her eyes closed, she looked so much like Lily. His Lily.

No .Lily was never his. But he was always hers. Only, she had never known.


So yeah, Harley didn't see her parents. Because she didn't even remember them. And Harley is not a person to mourn something she never had. Especially since she had plenty that she lost to mourn.

Also if someone start shipping Snape with Harley ,I'd find you and personally escort you to your train on a one way trip to the deepest pit of hell.
(I know most of here are for Draco, just saying cos I've got very weird comments before and  it's so .... yuck. )

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