Shopping Spree

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Only as he brought up the clothes to the counter to check out, did Sirius realise that he didn't have any muggle money on him. Or any wizard money for the matter .

Sirius placed the clothes on the counter and leaned against it ,trying to collect his thoughts. He could leave without the clothes of course. But that would be embarrassing. He didn't care of himself but he didn't want to embarrass Harley.

He could borrow Harley's wand and summon some money but he doubted that Harley would approve.

He was so stupid to suggest shopping when he had nothing but the clothes he wore, which by the way made him look homeless. If he were to make a claim that he lost his purse no one would believe him.

"Thank you , have a nice day " said the overly cheerful voice of the cashier. The woman was looking at him quizzically. So was Harley.

"Let's go? "She said raising an eyebrow.
Sirius wondered what to tell her before he noticed that the clothes have been bagged and Harley was putting a wallet into her pocket . Harley had paid. When he had offered to take her shopping. He felt dumb.

Sirius took the shopping bags before Harley could. She smiled up at him and looped a hand through his elbow.

"You have thought of everything, huh?" Sirius asked once they got out of the shop "Even exchanging money... "

"Uh actually I've been meaning to ask this for a while , how and where do you exchange for muggle money ?"
"You —haven't been.. How did you get money to pay for that? "

"Part time job. Though now I have like three pounds left, so... "
"Let's go to Gringotts then. Give me your wand. We'll apparate "


Note:     is pound the currency in Britain? I'm not sure. I'm not even sure if that is  too little or not. Harley would have just enough money to buy a couple of bars of chocolate. Guess how much that is.


Sirius swept as much gold his money bag could carry ,into it. Harley was waiting for him at Florean Fortescue’s, eating ice-cream til he got back. Sirius tucked the money bag inside his battered black denim jacket.

Which his goddaughter, who he was supposed to care for, had brought for him with the money she made by part-time jobs. He was the prime example for failure. The poster child for horrible parental figure.

He didn't know how to fix this. Maybe he could just buy her anything she wanted. Sirius filled another money bag. He'd go all out today. Anything Harley ever even thought of wanting, he'll get her.


Sirius bought his wand before he went to pickup Harley, because they had made a deal that she would not stop eating ice creams until he returned. It was supposed to make him get to her faster, but Sirius had the opposite idea.

Let her eat as much as she can. And knowing Harley it was a quite lot. Even as a kid she'd eat ice cream by the bucket. There's no way that she stopped as she grew.

When he got to her, Harley had did as he expected. There were multiple empty bowls on the table and she was working her way through what looked like scoops of chocolate and vanilla.

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