Pansy's OTP

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Draco Malfoy was annoyed. Because of Moon. That guy who had been keeping a distance from Harley for while was now back to sticking to her. Like we're they attached at the hip? Why did he have to always hover around her?

Of course Draco couldn't ask anyone about it right away. But perhaps he didn't have to.

Pansy was looking down lately which Draco knew because he observed people, not because he was friends with her or anything. He only talked to collect information. He didn't really care about her. Nope. No way.

Pansy and Moon were quite close before Pansy became all gloomy. There had to be connection between this strange behavior of Pansy and the extra annoying behaviour of Moon.

Draco had a hunch. Though how much of it is true, he had to find out. And he will. And if that bastard Moon was the one who hurt Pansy, well not even Black could protect him.

(okay, maybe she could protect Moon but for how long? Draco could wait. He was very patient.
Afterall revenge is best served cold)


Pansy was sitting in the common room, contemplating everything when Draco came to her. He sat next to her as if observing her, which knowing Draco was exactly what he was doing.

"You can drop the act now" He said "That smile looks faker than Trelawney's worst prediction "

That was when Pansy realised that she was doing that , automatically, as a response to someone's presence next to her. She stuck her tongue out at him before falling back ,against the couch.

Draco was still watching her. It seemed like something was on his mind or possibly he wanted to ask her something. Pansy had gone under his scrutinizing gaze multiple times but honestly it's not a thing you get used to. Pansy felt bad for Harley.

How will the poor girl know that Draco was just attracted to her and was not considering the possible ways to murder her, if he kept staring at Harley like that ? The only good thing was that Harley was not at all affected by stares. Probably because of the second year.

"What happened with you and Moon?"

Finally he asked. So that's what bothered him. Moon. Gideon Moon. Though Gideon was probably not his-no her real name .

Pansy loved Gideon and She had told hi-her that. Only for Moon to panic and accidentally reveal the secret she'd been hiding so hard. Honestly, Pansy regretted confessing. She was okay even if Gideon didn't like her .

Pansy just wanted to let her know and because she would hate it if she lost her chance because she was too shy to say her mind. It was not like everyone you like would like you back.

But with Gideon accidently exposing his secret, even their friendship was ruined. Now Gideon kept running away from her every time they ran into each other. As if she ,pansy, did something wrong. That hurt her.

She could vividly remember the horror on Gideon's face when she said that she's a girl. How she clasped her hands over her mouth and ran after that.
It felt like Pansy did something to her.

While Pansy was trying her level best to not misgender her, even in her (Pansy's )own mind .So that she wouldn't make a mistake if -no-when they talked again.

Gideon didn't explain anything to her so at first Pansy wondered if Gideon was a girl who pretended to be a boy like in some cliché stories. That didn't seem very likely.

Which is why Pansy casually asked Harley if it was possible for someone to change genders. Apparently it was. One could change their assigned gender to be what they preferred to be. Or in Harley's words ' Some people change their external appearance to match their soul '. Muggles had some way to do that too.

The way Harley didn't even look up from her book to answer her, made Pansy believe that it wasn't something unusual or shocking to Harley . And Harley even added a question 'What ?do you think you are a boy or something? '

Anyways it seemed to Pansy that Harley was well versed in these topics. For a moment she wondered if Harley herself was like Gideon. Pansy had asked her but Harley just said that she was a girl, without much expression change.
Honestly, Pansy thought that it was stupid of Gideon to not even tell Harley.

"Why are you not answering me?" Draco asked her again, making Pansy scowl.
"I asked him out. He said no. Is that enough? "

"Do you need me to deal with him? "

Pansy smiled. It was his way of asking if she was okay. It seemed that he assumed she got a heartbreak. It wasn't that. She was hurt, yes, but not because she was rejected.

"Nah. It's fine. Besides you don't want to end up as a ferret again ,do you? "

Draco turned red. Whether it was from embarrassment or anger, Pansy didn't know. It didn't matter. It was fun to tease him like this.

"Blame me for talking to you "He huffed as got up "Mia culpa, Mia culpa, Mia maxima culpa"

"I think you should reserve the maxima culpa for later. This is so not going to be the greatest mistake of your life"
Pansy called after him as he walked away. He heard her and slightly turned before shaking his head and walking on. He probably realised that she was right.

Pansy watched him go to the boys dorms. It was too early though. Maybe - no - probably because of her teasing .

She had liked him too, once.. Though she soon realized that her feelings would never be reciprocated. She would have tried her chance even if it was impossible. If she hadn't noticed the way Draco looked at Harley, that is. But she did notice.

Maybe it wasn't very obvious. Maybe it wasn't even proper love. Okay it probably wasn't love. Who'd find their true love at thirteen?
But it was undeniable that they had something . At least from Draco's side.

Pansy had known Draco for a long time. Yet it was the first time he acted this way around someone. So Pansy stepped back. Maybe that wasn't the wisest choice but who cares?

It wasn't Pansy being noble. She was anything but noble. She just knew the reality. Besides she could have plenty of boys, but good friends? They were hard to come by.

And Harley was a good friend of hers , so was Draco. It didn't make sense to butt in and cause drama for no reason. Pansy had a feeling that they'd cause all the drama themselves. Especially considering how Harley drenched Draco in first year. Yeah there will definitely be some drama.

And Pansy? She wanted front row seat for the drama. After all this is a ship she'd go down with.

Harley Potter and her world famous twinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora