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On Halloween, Harley wandered around the castle, searching for the decorations. There were obvious ones, the jack-o-lanterns, the bats, but according to Sirius there should be some spooky stuff in unexpected places.

Harley did find something. She heard the sound of weeping. It was from the girl's bathroom. But it was not moaning Myrtle. Maybe a fake ghost? The real ghost in the castle weren't much different from people. Whatever it is, it had to be a Halloween special.

It wasn't a Halloween speciality. It was Hermione Granger. Hermione was in the girl's washroom, red eyed and tear drenched .

"Leave me alone"
Hermione said without even looking at her.
"Fine. I wasn't actively trying to find you anyway"

Hermione turns, surprised to see Harley.
"It's you? "
"No, it's not me. I'm not me. Honestly that question is totally unnecessary. "

"I thought you were Parvati"
"And I thought you were Moaning Myrtle's sister with all that crying. Just kidding." Harley added.

"Why were you crying anyway? "
"What does it have to do with you?"

"Nothing. I'm just.... Never mind. I'll just give you some privacy "
Just as Harley was leaving, Hermione caught at her wrist.
"What are you doing? "
"Uh.. Wandering around ? Talking? Depends on what you mean "

Hermione looked frustrated at that.
"No I mean why are you pretending to be nice, you hate me "
"Hate is too strong a word, Granger. It's also too much work. Besides slytherin is not an alternate for evil and hatred. "

Hermione ,let go of Harley's hand and lowered her head. Harley was almost out in corridor when she heard a quite voice behind her.
"That's not what I meant. Every one hates me. "

"Not everyone. I for one, does not actively hate you. "
Harley replied without stopping or looking back.

It was the truth. She might not really like Granger but she did not hate her either. Hate is too draining. Harley had neither the energy nor the time for it.

Harley wandered around a bit more before going to the great hall after deciding that there isn't any extra spooky Halloween stuff like Sirius said. Maybe that was an old tradition.

Harley, unfortunately, was seated next to Malfoy. Fortunately the feeling seemed to be mutual . Draco inched as away from her as possible, without it being too noticeable. Harley appreciated the gesture.

They did not so much as look at each other until professor Quirell came in announcing the presence of a troll in the dungeons. But when he fainted in front of the teachers table, they looked at each other and cracked up, forgetting for a moment that they were not in good terms.

The next day onwards Hermione was with Harry and his friend. Harley did not find that strange. She had heard how they had saved Hermione. She also knew that Hermione had not gone there to fight the troll, she had been there long before professor Quirrel found it.
But with Hermione being a Griffindor, it was not strange that everyone believed what they said either.

The strange thing was that Hermione Granger smiled at Harley when their eyes locked at breakfast. She had never acknowledged her existence before. Harley, unsure of what to do, awkwardly smiled back.

From that day onwards Hermione smiled at her whenever their eyes met, whether it be in the corridors, the potions class, or at the great hall. But they never talked.

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