Bonus Chapter :Young Harley

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Sirius who was washing the dishes after dinner, ignored the little girl. If he paid attention to her now, these chores would remain unfinished and doing dishes wasn't exactly the first thing he wanted to do in the morning.

"Sirius! Sirius! Sirius!"
Harley was chanting his name, with the everlasting energy of a four year old. 'Do not turn around' Sirius told himself 'Do not turn around at any cost'

"Padfoot? Paaaadfoot! "
She was getting more desperate, Sirius thought, to start calling him padfoot . Good job Sirius, you have successfully completed level one of ignoring Har—

—And then a cabbage hit Sirius on the back of his head, finally making him give up the notion that he could ignore Harley when she wanted something.

He turned around to face the little imp of a girl and dried his hands on his apron. It wasn't comfortable, the life without magic but if he did use magic in a muggle neighborhood like this one, it would be very suspicious. As uncomfortable as a life without magic is, it is certainly better than one without freedom or one with dementors.

"Why did you throw a cabbage at me ,Harley "
"I hate cabbage "

"So you throw it at me? "
"I can't throw you at the cabbage, can I? "

Sirius crouched down to her level to look her in the eye, Harley looked right back .Staring as if she could see into his soul. He looked away first, admitting defeat. He sighed.

"What did you want, Harley? "
The girl grinned her impish gap toothed grin.
"Story! " she announced for all the world to hear, with triumph.

Sirius took off the apron and picked up the little girl. Who was standing at the very edge of the safety line he had drawn to keep her away from the stove and the crockery cabinet.

Perhaps he should banning her from entering the kitchen at all. Or not. She will probably find a variety of items to throw at him to gain his attention and they might not be as harmless as a cabbage.

After ensuring that Harley had brushed her teeth and all, he used his newly acquired skill of braiding hair and put the girl's hair into two tiny pigtails.
If Harley knew anything about appearances, she would have never allowed it, but as she is in the age when weird is the trend and anything worked, Sirius could do pretty much anything with her hair.

He then tucked her in the bed along with her favorite stuffed toy ,a lavender Pegasus plushy. Then he laid down next to her.

"Which story do you want today?" He asked her, already picking the book himself, she never chose a story but he still asked every night.
Harley just looked at him, waiting for him to start.

On a second thought, he closed the book. The stories were being repeated too much and even if she didn't mind, he was bored. Today he will make a story.

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there were two princes.  The first prince, called ....”Sirius trailed off, letting Harley name the character.

"Cardan? " Harley asked. Sirius nodded.
This ceremony had started because he didn't like the weird kid's book character names, but since also didn't have a wide array of good names at hand, He always let Harley name them as she wished.

Cardan. Cardan was the eldest and the other, the younger prince was ....”
"Ummm... Callisto? "

Callisto. When the two princes were young, they were the best of friends. If Callisto faced any troubles, Cardan would be there to help him and whenever Cardan felt down Callisto would be there to cheer him. The king and the queen didn't bother much about them. So they two princes lived and played happily without any worries.

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