A happy Harley

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I know it's irritating to see an announcement before the chapter.
Just wanted to say this is just a filler chapter. Made so that I won't feel as guilty for what I'm gonna do to Harley.
Well that's all enjoy! .....when you can


Gideon was happy to see Harley happy. That is until this moment. Professor Snape was at their common room, breaking up a party and assigning detention to every single person in the common room. Which included Gideon.

And in a way it was all because of Harley


Gideon spotted a huge change in Harley from the day after she got a letter. And he was not the only one to notice.
Harley was in a very good mood, lately. Humming tunes. Doing little dance moves while walking. Giggling with the girls over... Things.

It was surprising, how quick the girls got close. And it seemed that Harley forgave easily when she was happy. She bonded with Pansy in no time. He was happy for her happiness but a bit jealous too.

Anyway it seemed that Harley and Pansy was not a very good combination.


On the night of last Hogmeads visit before Christmas, the two of them - Harley and Pansy - brought back bottles of firewhiskey ,much to his dismay. How they did, Gideon had no idea.

If that was all, Gideon would have forgiven them. But obviously it was not all.

Instead of quietly drinking the alcohol in their dorm, the duo decided to play a drinking game. Right in middle of the common room. Harley asked him to join but he refused, knowing it was going to be messy.

One thing led to other and Some one (Gideon didn't know who it was because quite a lot of people including 7th years had joined them at this point) dared Harley to sing.

Simple enough request. The problem? Harley did not stop at just singing. Oh no. That would be too subtle for her. And Harley if nothing else, was not subtle. She had to be over the top. Extravagant.

Harley downed a glass of fire whiskey in a single gulp. (how the hell does she have such alcohol tolerance anyway?  Gideon did not know. They were thirteen to cry out loud )

Then she proceeded to climb on top of a fireplace. And then she started singing a pop song while dancing. Needless to say ,none of the drunk Slytherins could resist joining. It was a party without a host.

It was only then that Gideon regretted not joining in. They were all having so much fun.
Harley who was no longer singing (because they got some kind of magically working speaker to do the job) spotted him and pulled him into a dance. He didn't resist this time. Why should he not have some fun too? Especially when everyone else was enjoying themselves ?

So they danced and danced until their feet ached, then they took a couple of shots. The fire whiskey was like the name suggested. It burned all the way down and set his face aflame. And then they danced some more.

That is until a certain professor came surging in, his robes swishing like-

" an overgrown bat"
Snape looked even more angry. Which considering his face a moment ago, Gideon wouldn't have thought as possible. Why was he more angry.. He didn't understand.

Harley was shaking him by his sleeves. Gideon blinked but his two eyes wouldn't close at the same time. Pansy pinched him or more like skinned him.

The pain gave him a moment of clarity to see Snape glaring down at all of them.
"you will all be serving detention for a week. And you " Snape turned to him, his eyes glinting "Will serve detention for a month. Now stop this nonsense or I will extend the duration "

"Why do I get extra detention? " Gideon turned to whisper to Harley when Snape left
"You called him an over grown bat, Gids ,what did you expect? "

Ah... So he said that aloud. Pansy giggled.
"You said that out aloud too " Harley said, suppressing a laughter .
Gideon groaned. He needed to stop drinking.

"It's just your first time, you'll be fine with experience " Said Pansy who was looking pretty drunk herself.
"I said that out loud too didn't I? "

"It's all your fault Harley. It's all your fault "
He said before he rushed - technically ran- out of the common room. Before his tongue betrayed him with anything else.


The next day was unfortunately a school day. The entire Slytherins in third year were yawning throughout the classes, most sporting headaches. They, unlike the seniors had no experience with drinking and no idea about their alcohol tolerance. And that was literally the first party they were allowed in, so they took maximum advantage.

Gideon had to feed bits of toast to Harley who was sleeping on his shoulder. Pansy who came to the great hall seeing this pouted and insisted that she should be fed too.

At that Harley who was chewing while half asleep, opened an eye and pointed at him "My bestie, not yours. Go get your own " before promptly falling asleep again. It was very cute.

Gideon decided to forgive Harley for last even though he knew it wasn't really her fault, now that he was sober.

For the first time since they came to Hogwarts, Harley messed up a charm, resulting in pansy laughing so hard she had to be sent to the infirmary. Then she messed up in Herbology. And  not to mention transfiguration.

Harley's pincushion which instead of turning into a porcupine, turned into an adorable looking porcupine pillow pet. Except it still had it's pins. And alive. And shot pins at anyone who approached. What a nightmare.

It reminded Gideon of Harley, before she got all sunshine and rainbows and smiles.

What astonished Gideon is that Harley was not upset. She who seeked perfection in all things, did not have a care that she messed up so much. Then again it might have to do with the fact that she could do all of these just fine if she actually tried.

Just before Potions though, Harley lost all levity. She used a charm to rid herself of exhaustion and got serious.
Gideon wondered why she didn't do this before, instead of sleeping on his shoulder.

"Because what fun would it be? "
Wait, had he said that aloud?
"No silly, you didn't. No you didn't say that out loud either. You are just easy to read"

So was yesterday...
"Yesterday you did. Today you did not"
Was she reading his mind or something.?
"And no I'm not reading your mind"
Harley said as she stopped in front of the potions classroom.
"Enough confusion. Let's go get roasted by Snape "

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