Meeting with Dumbledore

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Harley woke up early the next day. Despite talking to Pansy quite late into the night —it was mostly her listening to Pansy go on and on about how handsome Sirius was — Harley felt more rested than she had in a while.

It seemed that after days of cutting sleep, her body didn't have the energy to consider more problems, and had completely shut down in the night. It had been quite a while since she did that. Harley always slept with an eye and an ear open –figuratively, since it's very hard to do that literally .

Harley got ready without making any noise. She didn't want Pansy waking up and start squeaking in her ear. The other girls weren't that much of a bother, since last year. But Pansy had gotten more annoying in a more friendly manner.

The corridors to the great hall were oddly empty. Or maybe it was because Harley never really woke up this early before.
Breakfast was there as usual and there were more people in there than Harley had thought. A couple of hufflepuffs, a lot of Ravenclaws, Hermione Granger, and no Slytherins.

Harley grabbed a toast and rushed out not wanting to be in their alone. Unfortunately Granger had spotted her and came after her, toast in one hand, a pile of books under the other.

"Harley, wait up"Shouted Hermione.
Harley considered pretending not to hear.. Or even better running away. Both sounded good. Instead she chose the most stupid option. She stopped, mentally preparing herself for hearing about elf rights or whatever .

"What's up? How's SPEW going? "
"Fine, that's not-"

"You meant to ask about Sirius? "
"That too"

"He's fine. Said he's gonna start apartment hunting. Tell Harry -"
"Tell whatever you want directly to him. I'm not playing messenger "

"Then why are you here ?with me ?"
"I just wanted to ask if you were alright "

Was she alright? No. She hasn't been alright in a long while. And she had no hopes of being alright ever again in this life .

"Alright? I'm better than that. I'm fabulous " Harley said as she walked away from Hermione.
Now she had an appointment to keep.


"Gobbledegook "
The stone gargoyles sprang to either side, revealing the staircase leading to the headmasters office . Harley made her way up with a silent tread .

The headmaster was in his chair facing the entrance. The smile that bloomed in his face when he saw her was cheery. Maybe she was over thinking, he couldn't have meant anything serious .

"Good morning, professor. "
"Ah yes, Harley, good morning. Take a seat" He gestured to the chairs before his table. Harley sat down.

"Would you like some tea? Cookies?"
Harley took a cookie, with a polite smile and a thanks. This wasn't what she was expecting.

"Why did you call me professor? "
"Right to the topic, eh? "He asked. Harley shrugged.

"Harley, you have done a remarkable job with the trial. You found loopholes that no one else had spotted, people thrice your age had failed to spot. "
"They didn't have much motive for it"

Harley shrugged. Though it was pleasant to know that someone recognized her efforts.

"But there's a good reason why they failed ,Harley. Memories haven't been used as evidence in a long time. Memories are a very powerful and convincing evidence, since it can only be covered up not altered. Yet the method was not used in the past century. Which is why, none of the aurors thought of using it with the death eaters who claimed to be under the Imperius Curse. The knowledge of this method had been all but lost. "

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