Dance partners, Ball gowns and other frivolous things

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Harry had gotten turned down by Cho when he asked her out to the ball. Only when Ron mentioned Ginny (who was also not available) did Harry think of a particular someone who might not turn him down .
"Ron, what do you think of Harley? "

"Nasty gloomy girl, more pompous than Percy, but "He added seeing Harry's look "Sorta okay 'cause she's your –"

"That's not what I meant "Harry said before Ron could say that she was Harry's sister (they were afterall in the common room and anyone could hear them) . "What do you think of you taking her to the ball?"

"Well she's really pretty.... But I don't know mate, if she isn't already going with someone else, you should take her since you're going to have to open the ball and all. I'll manage. "
"Maybe she'll know someone you could take "

"A slytherin? Nah, I'll pass "


"You are asking me now? "
Harley scowled Harry. Ron had wisely chosen to remain a few feet away.

"Err.. Well I tried and... "
"Failed to get someone else? What about Weasley? He too has a sister, no? " Harley asked, crossing her hands over her chest.

"Well she already has plans... and"

"And I don't? "She snapped before sighing and adding
" I'll come with you. Only because you have to open the dance and you can't do that alone"

"Thanks. I owe you one "
"You owe me more than one. And let me remind you that I collect my debts with interest. " She smirked

"I'll keep that in mind. Technically though, you didn't have a partner either ,so we're actually doing each other a favor"

"I didn't have a partner yet because too many people asked me out and I'd been thinking on it. No one I ask is going to reject me. "

"I can think of a lot of people who'd reject you. Do you need a list? "

"No, I have a good idea who they are" Harley looked pointedly towards Ron who smiled sheepishly at Harry

"That reminds me can you think of anyone who'd go with Ron? "
"Let me —" Her eyes widened a bit as if in sudden realization "Actually yes. I know a person .But your friend Ron has to promise to treat her like the queen she is. "

"Uh, who exactly is she? Hope it's not Pansy right? " Harry asks, not promising her anything. The Ron he know is not going to treat anyone like a queen.

"There's nothing wrong with Pansy " Harley said defensively, before noticing Harry's and Ron's sceptical look and adding
"She laughs at you because you're a gryffindor. It's not like you guys don't tease us. And as for the girl in question you don't know her. "

"Is she pretty? "Harry asks and immediately regrets when he sees the look on Harley's face. She was positively seething.

"Yes she's very pretty "Harley snaps before muttering under her breath "What is it with boys and looks "

But Harry heard her loud and clear, and so did Ron because of the echoing effect of the empty classroom.

"Ugh.. Does she not have a name?"
"Anabiel. Her name is Anabiel " Harley said dramatically as she walked out, her robes swishing behind her.

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