the Sun, the Moon, and A Star

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In the end Harley couldn't tell Gideon anything. That meant that she had no way to ask him if she could go to his place for summer.

Harley had told him all about what happened that night with Sirius. Except for how she had messed up potions. Gideon... He did not push her at all. He just listened .No questions . No interruptions.

He was the perfect listener. Yet she could not tell him about Roan. For the same reason she could not tell Sirius but could tell Snape. Because she knew Sirius cared enough about her to feel as wrecked as she felt but Snape as much as he favoured he would never care half as much.

The same goes for Malfoy. He might sympathize but he won't feel it. Like Gideon would. That made it hard to tell him and not tell him. In a way all Harley wanted to do was tell him everything and let him sort it out for her.

But Harley had asked him if he could ask his family to take her along for the Quidditch World Cup. Gideon was mortified that he didn't think of asking her himself. He promised to write to her later.
For once she was glad that an address was not necessary for writing letters. Because God knows where she'd be this summer.

In the train ride back home, only the two of them were in the compartment. That's when he finally asked her about Christmas after the first time he did and she refused to open up.

"So Harley, are you ever going to tell me what happened to you during Christmas? "
"I will tell you. You know what if you take me to the World Cup, we could have a sleepover and I'll tell you all about it"

"Sleep over? Like what muggle girls do? "
"Yeah. You have something against it?"

When he smiled, Harley was cent percent sure that he meant it. He had no hate against muggles. But she didn't know why he looked so happy.

Harley smiled as well. It took her a little time to realise it but she wasn't really lost with him here. It felt like those first days at the orphanage , when she didn't know what to do without Sirius. When Roan came to her rescue.

Not like a knight in shining armor but a girl in purple night gown, holding an origami crane.

Roan had told her of a myth: if you made a thousand paper cranes and made a wish on it would come true. The following night she taught her to make paper cranes. Then the two of them made paper cranes side by side. Harley was wishing for Sirius to back every second she did it. Perhaps it had worked. Because now, he was finally back.

Harley had once asked Roan what her wish was. Roan said she was making the cranes for her- Harley's sake, not for herself. Because her wish already got granted.

"I wished for a friend and you are here now" Roan smiled widely at her.
Harley remembered her smile. How her eyes wrinkled at the corners. How the sun light fell through her blonde hair .How her skin practically glowed in it. 'sun kissed ' Harley had thought then 'This is what they meant by sun-kissed '

Harley smiled again at the boy sitting opposite to her. The sun was in his hair too. But it was much harsher, he was squinting against the light. Not exactly sun-kissed.
Gideon was nothing like Roan. Not in their attitudes, not in their characters . But that was okay. Because she was not looking for someone to replace Roan. That would be impossible.

But she needed someone to relay on and Gideon seemed happy enough to be the one. Harley was still upset, still broken but she would pull herself together. Like she always does. And Roan, Harley knew now , would stay with her forever. She won't be happy if she was upset.

She clutched at the golden sun pendant now lying on her chest, besides the hand made moon pendant. Harley had took off the charm on the sun pendant. The charm was meant for Roan. Harley did not deserve it.

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