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Harry now free of worries finally had time to ponder over the fact that he now had a twin. He examined the face of the girl sleeping on the bed next to him, scanning for any similarities.

Her hair was Black like his, though much tamer. They lay in a glossy sheet around her head. She was scrawnier than him now, but he imagined that had to do with the stress. Her skin was pale unlike his tanned one. And her eyes... He didn't remember them. And she had them closed at the moment.

"Take a picture, it will last you longer"
She said, with her eyes still closed.

"You were not sleeping? "
"No, I'm deep asleep. What do you think? "
She asked finally looking at him. Her eyes were dark ,in the dark room. He couldn't be sure of its color ,but it was definitely not green.

"ugh, you may think it's weird but what color is your eyes? "

Harley did not answer but simply lit up the tip of her wand and pointed it at her face.
Her eyes were hazel. A mixture of luminous gold and Amber.
Harry remembered that his father had hazel eyes.

"Any more questions? "
Harley asked calmly.
"Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"That would have been weird, no? Imagine someone randomly coming up to you and saying they are your twin. "
"Yes but still... "

"I wanted you to trust me as a person before you knew our relationship. Look how that worked out"
She laughs.

"You know, I did try to reach you. Remember Polaris? "
"That was you? "

"Polaris is my middle name. Yes. "
"Oh.. "
Harry thought of the glasses he wore. And the time in the chamber of secrets and then when she knocked the hexed buldger away from him.

"What do you mean oh? " She asked leaning her face on her fist.
"I'm just ...thinking " He replied "You weren't this talkative before "

"Uh we literally did not talk. At all. That has nothing to do with me being talkative "
"But yeah I don't usually talk a lot but.. There's a lot of your life that I missed for a twin. I want to catch up"

"I still can't believe it"
"What you want me to take truth serum or something? "

"Not like that. I get it. You are saying the truth but I never thought I have a twin... "
"I understand. You don't have to be all close with me just because of this. We'll continue as usual. I'm not going to announce it. "

"I didn't mean it that way "
"I know. But that is how it is. Don't tell anyone ,alright? "

"Not even the Weasleys? "
"That's your wish. They don't affect me. Unless any of them decide to announce it to the world "

"They are not that kind of people " Harry said in anger. Whatever she is she was also a slytherin.
"Chill princess. Its just my way of talking "

Harry paused at that. He did not know anything about this girl, much less the way she talks, and they were supposed to be twins. It felt like a joke. Twins were supposed to be like Fred and George. Knowing each other to the core, completing each others sentences....

"Harley you think we could ever be like Fred and George? "
"The Weasley twins? "She asked. Harry nodded in affirmation.
"Well I don't know . I don't think so. We've been apart too long. We know pretty much nothing of each other "

"But we could get to know each other"
"Yes...but we still won't have that big bond. And we won't really be able to spend much time together anyway "

"Sirius asked me to come live with you. We would have lots of time . We could start this summer..."
"Not really this summer. The trial will take time. Probably wouldn't happen at least a month into summer. And then there's the prospect of getting settled and all. "

"But this is an important case and we convinced the minister... "
"I know that's why this will take time. The mister of magic is not a sole authority. Sure he has influence but he's not the ultimate word. Sirius would have to face the trail and prove his innocence "

"But... "
"You know what? Let's get to that getting to know each other part right now, unless you are too tired? "

"Not too tired "Harry grinned
"Well first question is mine. What's your favorite color? "

"Green. Yours?"
"Lavender .Now your turn to question"

"So with whom did you live? You know when Sirius was in Azkaban? "
"In an orphanage "

"You are going back there this summer right? Can I join? "
"The answer to both questions are no. Seriously you don't want to go there. Not recommend at all "

"Well I would not suggest the Dursely's either. No orphanage can be worse"
Harley's face turned into one of horror.
"What... What exactly do they do to you? "

"Well they pretty much ignore me unless they want a chore done. I'm treated like shut, always scolded... They even forbade me from doing homework "
"Huh.. That's pretty awful. Still don't recommend the orphanage. "

"Where are you going if not there? "
"I don't know.. You don't think Durselys would accept me"

"No they won't. "
"Well I'm going to ask my friend if I could stay over at his place "

"By friend you mean Malfoy? "
"ugh no. When have you seen me with him? I meant Gideon Moon "

"Another slytherin? "
"Duh. Obviously. You have thing against us? "

"Not like that. I just hate Malfoy "
"I admit he's easy to hate at soon as he opens his mouth "

"So you agree!"
"Yeah.. "

"How is it like? Being a slytherin? "
"Umm what kind of question is that? It is how it is. And you have been asking more questions than I have its my turn "

"Alright. Shoot"
"Cats or dogs? "

"Now that is a stupid question. Are you determined to ask the most superfluous things? "
"Oh you want deep, life changing talk then? Okay... How does it feel being the golden boy? "

"I don't know . I certainly don't like it when people like Lockhart treat me that way... "
"Right. I'm out of questions really.. Oh right I forgot to tell you, that hippogriff you love? Its alive. I freed it. "

"Whoa really? You won't get in trouble for that? "
"Well no one saw me. Now your turn to ask me something. "

"Not anything gloomy please "

Harry paused at that. Nothing gloomy? His whole life is gloomy. He thought of something silly to ask.

"How do you keep your hair so tame? If it's like mine it has to be a task"
"Now that's a question worth asking!My hair is not as wild as yours but I use magic to tame it"

"Right" Trust slytherin girls to use magic to do hair .
"You want to know anything more? "

He wanted to know a lot more . About his parents .About Sirius. Harley defenitely knew more than him.
"Tell me about them "

She didn't ask who. She knew who he meant. It gave him hope that they still had a chance to be normal siblings.

Harry listened to her talk about the many stories Sirius had told her of their parents love. The last thing he heard before he fell into the welcoming embrace of sleep, was her pleasant voice, getting excited as she talked of a time Sirius and she had pulled a prank on a boy who bullied her.

Before he knew it, Harry was dreaming. In his dreams he was there with them. He was there to laugh at the pranks. In his dreams they were always together.

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