Dance tutorial

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Professor Snape looked down at the solemn faces of the children looking up at him .They were dreading this as much as he was.

"I hope that you all know why you are here " Snape spoke, his voice a tired drawl. A few heads nodded. A few suppressed groans.
"I also hope that at least some of you know the perfect form in ball dance, because I will need volunteers . "

" I need a girl who's confident in her skills to volunteer " Snape said, looking at the Slytherin girls.

No one moved. It almost looked as if they were holding their breaths, afraid that they'd have to dance with Snape if they made one wrong move.
Then Pansy suddenly forced Harley's hand up in the air. Which was noticed by the professor immediately, throwing water on Harley's hopes.

"Miss Black ! Do you know how to dance? "Snape asked, fully aware that her hand was forced into the air.

"Sure" said Harley with a shrug . She have never answered that she 'didn't know' when a professor asked a question before and she didn't see why she should start now.

"I need a boy to volunteer "Snape said suddenly almost in a panic, realising that all the students were expecting him to dance. No. He did not —would not dance.

The boys were much more enthusiastic to volunteer . The fourth years even more so. Blaise was almost jumping out of his seat in eagerness (no one looked more eager than him tbh) .
Even Draco Malfoy had slightly raised his hand though he had only raised it partially and had a bored look on his face , as if he was just doing it as a responsibility.

"Mr Malfoy! "Snape called much to Zabini's disappointment. Draco walked forward dragging his feet, as he did.

Draco and Harley faced each other as Snape flicked his wand and music filled the room. They reached for each other.

Harley, who had been teaching Anabiel to dance by acting like the male counterpart, accidentally reached for Draco's waist.
But Draco caught her hand and placed it on his shoulder before any of the others had noticed the little slip.

Harley who realised her mistake , clenched her jaw in frustration .She took Draco's hand while he placed his other hand on her waist. Harley took a deep breath.
And then they started dancing.

Their movements were perfectly in sync .Neither was leading the other. They moved together in an ethereal harmony.

Draco released his hand from Harley's waist ,the same time she took hers off his shoulder.  She spun away from him, still holding his other hand before spinning back towards him.

Draco's breath caught in his chest as Harley pressed against him as she collided with him. But it only lasted a moment before she pulled back, maintaining the distance.

But they were still close, close enough to feel her breath, close enough that he could see the blending colors in her eyes. The gold and amber and the little flecks of green riming her pupils.

Her eyes always looked so dark at a glance , one might expect them to be black or brown if they didn't take a closer look. If they looked closer they'd see the gold. Eyes reflected the soul afterall .
And Harley's eyes,they  reflected her in a more literal way. She too would seem very dark, unless one were close enough to see the gold. Draco was secretly glad that he could see it.

"What are you looking at? "Harley asked raising an eyebrow.
"Your eyes" Draco said without thinking. When he realized what he said, he wanted to slap himself.

"What about them?" Harley asked looking directly into his own pale grey eyes.
They are gold and mesmerizing Draco thought. But he didn't say that.
"They're ugly "

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