(defense against) DARK ARTS

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As Harley thought DADA was torture. In every sense. Moody despised slytherins and he made no attempt to hide it. Infact it seemed like he was going out of his way to make them suffer.

On their first class ,all slytherins were determined not to get on Moody's bad side. They came early ,they sat quietly in their seats, no whispering, no leaning over, no message passing. They placed their books and quills before them in perfect order, and they sat themselves in perfect formation.

They already hated Moody. Because that's how Slytherins are, hurt one and you hurt all. And Moody had targeted one of their most important people -Draco.

But that didn't mean that they wouldn't suck up to him. They would. They would do everything in their capability to not give him reasons to punish them or take away their hard earned points.

Unlike what most people thought they didn't get their house points from Snape's favor. They worked for it. True Snape was too ready to grant them points but it wouldn't really be enough to give them house cup. It was infact the Griffindors who unfairly got points. And if Dumbledore wasn't trying so hard to give the house cup to his golden boy and his house, slytherin would've had it.
Dumbledore is like 'Harry breathed , hundred points to griffindor '
It was ridiculous.

Anyway when Moody finally came in the first thing he told them was to put their books away
"It's not like you need them to know the curses"
Half the class paled at his choice of words.

Then as the class proceeded, he talked about unforgivable curses. Always making sure pass some comments.

"So I'm here to bring you up to scratch on what wizards can do to each other.
Now I am sure that most of you already know that, but this for the sake of the few who doesn't ."
At that he looked to the two muggle borns present. As if everyone else was well versed in dark arts.

"Now, according to the Ministry of Magic, I'm supposed to teach you
countercurses and leave it at that. I'm not supposed to show you what illegal Dark curses look like until you're in the sixth year. You're not supposed to be old enough to deal with it till then. But I'm sure that plenty of you have seen them before and perhaps even used them-"

Theodore Nott started to protest or maybe he just wanted to use the washroom, they wouldn't know because as soon as he opened his mouth, Moody roared
"You will not interrupt me!!"

Theodore shut his mouth and flinched back. For the rest of the class he tried to look as small and unnoticeable as possible.
None of them dared to speak again. Not even Harley.

Though she had so badly wanted to retort when the professor scrutinized Gideon when he was teaching about the Cruciatus curse. Because of the Lestranges. They had been pros at the curse. But Gideon's mother wasn't a deatheater, she wasn't a practitioner of the dark arts.
It was strange that he knew all about them. As if he had studied their family charts.

Gideon was shaking badly by the time Moody turned to someone else. Harley didn't bother to look who was the next. She would have spoken up, had it been any other professor, any other person. But Moody scared her like no one else.

So she stayed quiet, while murderous rage bubbled beneath her skin. She squeezed her best friend's hand in baseless assurance as she imagined all the ways she could make Moody suffer.


Harley was in a kind of trance as she did her best to remain impassive. To hide her rage, her fear. She took notes like a robot while completely ignoring where the professor was looking .

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