First Week

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Harley was positively bursting with energy. Charms class. Finally. She couldn't wait to use her wand again. She hadn't used it for even once since her letter had arrived .And even before that, she could rarely use it in the orphanage with all the kids ,it was hard to get some privacy.

She supposed she has an unfair advantage over all her fellow classmates considering that she already knows most of the charms the first years are learning.

Sirius had taught her the spells that he thought would be most useful to her. The first was patronus charm considering the fact that they always lived anticipating a dementor attack. But she knew other ones from fixing to explosion from healing to defence. He had taught her most of the basics. And she had learned quite a few from the books at grimmaulds place. Though she was yet to try them out.

"That's a nice wand you got there, Black "
Harley stopped twirling her wand between her fingers and grinned at Pansy.

Her wand was one of the few things she admitted to be perfect. Ebony with a core of dragon heartstring, eleven and a half inches long, with elegant and intricate silver designs of a forest inlaid at the base it was a work of art , it was a work of art.

Harley realized that Pansy was waiting for her to compliment her in return. What exactly did Pansy have that deserved one?

"Wow, that quill is so gorgeous "

Harley said and mentally slapped herself instantly . Does anyone really care how their quill looks? Whether phoenix feather or eagle feather, it works just fine.

"You noticed? It's Augurey feather. My papa bought for me from his trip ...."
Harley tuned her out. Oookay, So some people apparently does Care. Harley had finally met someone more concerned about appearance than Sirius.

She was relieved when professor Flitwick came in. Pansy started to say something probably about the professor's height, but Harley shushed her. Quality and not quantity ,is more important. And professor Flitwick was one of the best.


Harley was the first one to successfully do the unlocking spell. She had waited a couple of minutes as others tried repeatedly and then succeeded at the first try itself. But she felt a little guilty when professor Flitwick congratulated her, she had done this spell quite a lot before .

Nevertheless charms was her most favorite class. With astronomy being a close second. She was quite surprised to find out that she liked herbology too. She had always thought it would be boring along with history of magic.

Only professor Binns classes were just as boring, if not more ,as she expected. Transfiguration was another subject that disappointed her.
She could do a few transfiguration spells like changing color and what not ,because they are handy with pranks , but she couldn't change a matchstick to a needle to save her life.

By the end of the class she had a silver stick with a hole where the head of the match was supposed to be. But it lacked a point and was way too fat to be a needle.
She could only sigh when she heard that Granger had done a perfect one . Thankfully they weren't together for transfiguration.


Harley was the only slytherin dreading potions class. Not that she's bad at it, she was sure she'd do fine even though it was one of the many things she never tried first hand. She was afraid how professor Snape would act. Thinking back it seemed really foolish to just talk to him like that.

Would he take revenge? Or would he be forgiving? Or would he be angrier because of her?

Professor Snape began the class by roll call. He did not show any kind of recognition at her name. And she realized that he was not going to be mad at her. He'd probably just ignore her all year. The thought upset her. She could bear with anything but she didn't want to stay hidden in the shadows .

Snape paused at Harry's name.
“Ah, yes,” he said softly, “Harry Potter. Our new — celebrity.”

Harley heard a few sniggers behind her but didn't turn to look. Snape finished calling names and looked up at the class.

"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making, As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don’t expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses. . . . I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death — if you aren’t as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."

His voice was soft, barely above a whisper very unlike the one he used to shout at her. Harley liked the way he spoke. How he beautified potion making. She couldn't help but admire, she liked beauty whether it be of words or mind or simply appearance.

Potter!” said Snape suddenly. “What would I get if I added powdered root
of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?”

Draught of living death. Harley stood up and was about to say so when she realized that he meant Harry. But it was too late, Snape spotted her standing.
“Sit down, Black .Unless you have elsewhere to be”

Harley sat, feeling heat rise up her face. He had called her Potter so much when they talked last time that she thought he meant her.

Pansy scribbled on a piece of parchment and slid it over to her. ' You look like a tomato' , it said.
'Mind your own business ' Harley wrote back.

Professor Snape continued roasting Harry with questions .Harry knew answers to none of them. Though Harley did. Apparently Granger did too, considering her hand up in the air.

And then came the potion making part. Snape went around criticizing almost everyone and even praised Malfoy a bit. But he paid no attention to Harley.

He was telling everyone to look at the
perfect way Malfoy had stewed his horned slugs, (Harley thought it did not look much better than her's) when Neville melted a cauldron and managed to get boils all over him.
Harley truly felt bad for him. He was one of the very few people she liked at Hogwarts even though they never really talked after they got off the train.

When professor Snape came to inspect their finished potions, he rained praises on Malfoy but criticized every single Griffindor even Hermione. Harley might not be a fan of the girl but she did accept the fact that she's smart. It seemed that she also had to accept that Snape is not fair.

When he checked her potion, she could see that Snape was surprised. He gave her a curt nod, but it spoke volumes.

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