Rat, cat, Dog

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When Harley had heard of the hippogriffs death sentence she went to visit Hagrid on the day of the execution. Not because she was friends with the man but because she liked the beast and thought it would be a terrible shame for it to die.

Harley knew there wasn't much she could do to help at this point. She had offered her help once before but Hagrid had denied. Now too he might deny her. She was the murderer Black's daughter, afterall.

Harley had brewed a potion for the hippogriff to take. Not the one she takes. That one would be no good to Buckbeak. But something that did not let the user feel any pain or fear. She hoped that it could help the beast in its final moments.

Harley knocked on the door of Hagrid's cottage. He opened the door and then seeing her, closed it on her face. Wow.. The manners is so heartwarming. Harley did not want to linger any longer than necessary .But she decided to talk a bit to the poor creature who was going to be killed.

She didn't give the potion to the bird , it was not her place to do that. Harley bowed and asked for permission before petting it. That's when she heard noises from inside the cabin. It was the golden trio. Harley decided to see what they were up to.


Harry had his wand pointing at Sirius Black when he was first interrupted by Hermione 's cat Crookshanks. And then by a girl coming in like a storm and planting herself right in between them . Yep. None other than Harley Black, beloved daughter of Sirius Black.

Harry was surprised to see the girl in front of him. Not because he didn't expect Harley Black to defend Sirius Black. But because of how terrible she looked. It seemed as if Black got better by leeching off her life force.

Sirius Black looked much better than he did in the posters. Not as much of a skeleton even though he did still look emanciated.

While Harley's skin was paler than normal, a sickly yellowish tinge on it.  Her eyes were rimmed with red. Her round cheeks had sunk considerably since the last time he noticed . Which was during the Quidditch game. Thinking back, she didn't look that good even then. Though he had seen her multiple times after, he never really noticed her.

Harley stood before Black, defending his bloodied body with her's while pointing her wand at Harry. She silently flicked her wand once and Harry's wand flew out of his grip into her's.

"Back off, Harry. Just back off. "
"You are defending your father. He killed mine. How can I back off? "

Harley laughed mirthlessly. Perhaps the daughter was as mad as the father.

"Oh how stupid you are. I suppose instincts are only myths, huh?"

She crouched besides Black helping him, sit up, pushing the cat off his robes. Her eyes never left his even as she helped the man.
Sirius Black was breathing hard, supported by the girls arms.

"Sirius? You 'kay?"
"Been worse"
He wheezed. As the girl helped him back on to his feet.

She offered her own highly decorative wand to Black who didn't accepted it.

"Harley ,return his wand "
Black asked between laboured breaths. Harley did as she was asked even though she looked like she wanted to refuse. Harry once again pointed his wand at Black .

"Will you let me explain? "He asked. As if he didn't have a wand directly pointed at him. As if he wasn't unarmed.

It seemed that Black wasn't half as desperate with the presence of his daughter. Harley had her wand ready even though she wasn't pointing it.

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