Lockhart? More like Blockhead

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Harley found out something in the very first DADA class of the year : Gildory Lockhart had way too much hype. Waaaaay too much. It was obvious that the guy didn't know a thing. Not to boast but Harley was sure that she could teach better than him. And she didn't know how to teach at all.

On the very first class he had gave them a pop quiz. On him. Harley handed hers in blank. Looking around she noticed that the only other girl to  do so was Pansy Parkinson. Forgetting their previous rivalry for a moment , they rolled eyes together.

Harley was pretty sure that she'd loose her brain cells just by listening to this idiot.

So she pulled out her headphones . They didn't work inside the castle but maybe she could do something about that. She planned to modify it a bit to work on magic.

She did have quite some time on her hands this year. Because she had decided then and there that she's not going to pay attention to the so called 'professor' Lockhart .


At lunch Pansy took a seat beside Harley much to her's and everyone else's surprise. Harley raised an eyebrow at her.

"What? " Pansy tilted her head.

"I thought you believed that muggle love was contagious "

"Well I think idiocy is even more contagious. It seems like you are the only one with some sense"

"If you want I'd even apologize for that incident. I don't want to lose anymore brain cells "
"I suspect you don't really have many to spare"

Pansy laughed .Harley did not. She felt uneasy. It was not at all normal for Pansy to come to her like this, unless she had some kind of plan. Pansy probably plans to befriend her just to betray her and then ridicule her.

Except betray can't happen without trust. And Harley trusted no one.
But for now she'll act along. She will wait and see just what kind of evil is that sly girl planning.

All these thoughts went through her mind but outwardly she smiled.
Gideon Moon, who came just at that moment frowned turned on his heels.


After about three DADA classes of fiddling and trials, her phone and headphone worked. Except for the occasional glitch it was fine.

She tapped her fingers against the desk in tune to the music as Lockhart went on and on about some nonsense something about banshees and bullshit.
Still, Life was good .

Someone beside her taped her elbow. It was Blaise. Harley raised an eyebrow and then took off her headphones.
"What? "
"Are you listening to music? "

"No, I'm making an omelet. "
"What? "

"Don't you have eyes? Of course I was"
"Uh, sorry "
Harley shrugged and put the ear piece back in.

Blaise tapped her elbow again.
"Care to share? "
" Are you not disgusted by muggle item? "
"Nothing muggle works in here, besides I really don't care. "

Harley took one of the earpieces gave it to him and continued listening to music.


Gideon watched the girl he thought would be his friend, go back to being friends with the cooler folks. He couldn't really do anything about it. Except sulk. So that's what he did.

They were having Defense against dark arts with Raven claws . He was staring at Lockhart without actually paying any attention when Harley suddenly got up from her seat behind him and took the chair next to him.

"So what's going on, Mr Moon? "
"Nothing? " The word came off more as a question than an answer.

"Then why do you run off as if you saw a ghost every time you see me? No cut that. People don't really run away from ghosts, but you get the idea. "
"No reason"

"No reason? You are acting fishy"
"It's all been fine with you for the past two weeks, why bother asking me now? "

Harley smirked.
"Don't be so emo.. I didn't bother you at first because I thought you will be fine after a while "
"Oho? Then what are you doing now? "

"Literally? I'm just talking to you. Figuratively....Well I'm talking to you figuratively too " Is what her mouth said. I'm worried is what her eyes said I'm worried that you're not fine.

Though Gideon pretend to be grouchy and upset, he was actually very glad that Harley chose to talk to him. And Harley being no fool, knew that. But she played along for a while. And he was glad for that too.

Then Harley slipped into her signature move: awkward silence. Gideon felt that he should get used to these if he is to be her friend.

But the silence was only between them, around them was literally chaos. Lockhart seemed to have jinxed someone amidst his demonstration . The girl in question had her face covered and was crying loudly.

Soon the girl was led to madam Promfrey.
Harley had her fingers pressed against her closed eyes.
"What's wrong, Harley? "
She answered him without looking .
"I'm just wondering if I should commit another murder, for the mankind's benefit you know "

Gideon hoped she was joking but he had a feeling that at least half the slytherins were thinking along the same line.

Harley Potter and her world famous twinΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα