Perfectly drowned rat

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Harley was not bad with a broom. Even with the terrible old school broom. She had experience, yes, but certainly not as much as most claimed to have. Not to mention Malfoy who was bragging about his skills during breakfast, almost enough to make Harley want to smack his head with the book she had been reading .

At the grounds, her eyes were on Harry. Their father, according to Sirius, was amazing at quidditch. She wondered how much of it was inherited by her twin.

She almost got a heart attack when seeing Neville fall of his broom. And she was worried enough that she wanted to snatch the remembrall from Malfoy herself. But Pansy gripped her hands with whisper of 'Slytherins stick together '.

In a moment Harry had taken the matters into his hand. It was gorgeous, the way he flew and for a moment she felt like thanking Malfoy for giving him a chance to shine. But then Harry was taken by Mcgonagal and she wanted to hit Malfoy.

Malfoy was hoping he'd be expelled but she was fairly certain he won't be expelled. If one were to be expelled for such things, the marauders would have been expelled at least twice daily. Still he might get some punishment.

As faithful as she has to be to her house, she is loyal to her brother and that comes to her naturally. She just had to ensure Malfoy did not get away with it again .


"What exactly is wrong with you, Malfoy? "
Harley say the moment she steps into the common room.

Malfoy had been a great pain in the ass for her of late. She had seen enough of his taunts to last a life time and yet it had only been days. She hated herself for watching without taking action but Pansy was right they, slytherins, didn't fight in public. The common room though, wasn't public.

Malfoy lazily look up at her.
"Nothing. I'm perfect. "He drawled.

She couldn't believe that he, Malfoy, of all people managed to shut her up. It was her fault for wording it that way she supposed. But that doesn't mean she's not mad.

She took out her wand and flicked it in one smooth move.
Malfoy, now drenched, looked at her with surprise. Now he looked like a perfect wet rat.

"What was that for? "
"You annoy me. And you smell"

Harley heard a low whistle when she walked away. It was Zabini.
"What? You want to join him ?"
He holds his hands up defensively.

"No. It's just.. Cool. They don't teach that spell this year ,do they ?"
"No. Do I have to learn everything from teachers? "

"All I'm saying is that was cool. Please don't hex me. "
Harley laughed.

"What was your name again? I kinda forgot your first name "
"Blaise Zabini"

"See you around Blaise. And thanks"
Harley walked away before he could say anything else.

After dinner that night, Snape called her to his office. Harley suspected it had something to do with drenched Draco. But she was not regretting. If anything after Blaise's words she was proud of her work.

When she knocked on his door, Snape opened it fast enough that she wondered if he was waiting for her on the other side.
"Get inside "
He said without sparing her a glance. She did and seated herself opposite him.

"Have you been learning before the start of school? "
"I'm sorry professor. "
Harley was not sorry. But she figured that it would be better to apologize right away. It was probably about the aguamenti she performed on Malfoy.

"Answer my question "
"I have practiced quite a few spells. "

"And potions? "
This was not going like she expected. What had she done wrong with potions. Not knowing exactly what she was treading, she decided to be truthful.
"No, sir. I haven't had the opportunity"

"Are you saying you would have , if opportunity presented itself? "

"Yes sir"

"Yes sir",he repeats ,drawling out the words and –was that a smile?
"I heard you cast an Aguamenti ?"
"I did. On Malfoy "

"I hope you knew what the consequences would be when you did it"
"Yes sir"

Snape pauses, accessing the girl. Piercing black eyes that seems like black holes, searched the hazel eyes brimming with life. Then he gets up and turns around , his black robes swishing.

"I'm letting you off for this once On the account of your perfect potion in last class. But don't expect this again. Dismissed "

Harley was so surprised for a moment, enough that she walked right into the door on her way out.

"You should first open a door to go out. Knocking with one's head is not the right way to open any door in the castle. "

She heard Snape say behind her as she rubbed her forehead, while opening the door .The comment did not seem as malicious as most of his others. Harley wondered if he forgave her.

When Harley came to the common room, she was touched to find Pansy anxiously waiting for her. It surprised her as much as Snape did. Thankfully there wasn't any closed doors before her that she could run into.

"How did it go? Did you get detention? Are you being expelled "
In a moment she realised ,Pansy was merely waiting for gossip. She sighed.

"No Pansy. Neither happened "
Harley plops down on the couch, reopening the book she had left there. She couldn't really read with Pansy staring at her like that but she was not going to give attention to her.

She got up and went inside the dormitory , thankfully Parkinson was in a different one. She pulled the blankets over her head and started reading. But she could no longer concentrate on "Majestic beasts and Magic".
She was happy though she didn't know exactly why. And she was feeling too content to analyze her emotions and their root causes. So she closed her book and went to sleep hugging it.

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