Unicorns (part 2)

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"you really think this is a good idea?" Anabiel asked the two girls walking ahead of her.
"No" Pansy said. "We think this is the bestest idea"
"Which is because of the lack of a better one "Harley added, turning her head to look at her.

"Even you Harley? I thought you were smarter than this"
Harley sighed. "I had thought so too.But not anymore, not anymore "she shook her head slowly and sadly before looking towards the distant horizon.

"Pansy, can't we just go back?" Anabiel turned to Pansy realising that she had probably dragged Harley into this as well.
"No! We will fight forward until the end " Pansy shouted raising her wand like a knight would raise their sword before pointing it at their enemy.

Everyone in the grounds turned to look at them. Pansy blushed beet red as Harley tugged her hand downwards.

"Sorry I just got a little too excited" Pansy said in a very low voice.
"Gods! We're not going off to a big adventure, just across the ground to Hagrid's, what's there to be exited about? " Anabiel couldn't see Harley face but she was sure that Harley was probably rolling her eyes .

"He's a fucking half giant! "
"He was that a month ago as well" Ana deadpanned.
"Oho? You have no problem with that? Then why the hell are you hesitating, hmm? " Pansy wriggled her eyebrows

"Because he probably hates us. If we just go to him and say we want to see a unicorn, he'd think that the evil Slytherins are out to hunt unicorns or something "

"Have some trust in me, my love" Harley said flicking a lock of her hair (which was now shorn shorter ) over her shoulder
"More like have some trust in her boot licking skills " Pansy mumbled

"I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that. Now Moon, that is pretty much the only problem you can find with this right? "
"Yeah... "

"Well you would have found many more with Pansy's original plan , so just be grateful for my existence "
"But... "

"Do you want to touch a unicorn or not? "
"Pans.. "
"Unicorn. Think about that and just that. We'll handle the rest"


Pansy watched with part wonder and part shock but mostly with admiration as Harley turned her boot licking mode on. Pansy and Anabiel were just standing behind, at Harley's request .

Hagrid's huge figure loomed threateningly in the doorway, overshadowing Harley's much smaller frame. When she spoke, Harley was using a much different tone from the one she usually used.

With Harley it was always like this. A special, respectful tone and a bright, charming smile was always reserved for the adults. While she was cold, or indifferent to most peers.The change with attitudes were so different that she might as well as have been a different person.

"Hello Professor Hagrid " Harley spoke ,slightly lowering her head in greeting.
Another thing about Harley, she called even Hagrid 'professor' and Filch 'sir'. Pansy had also gotten that she had a habit of bidding farewell to the staff at the end of the year. Yep. Harley was the perfect teacher's pet type.

And honestly Pansy admired that. Because it took some serious acting skills to be so poised and sophisticated when as a person the girl was anything but that. And getting connection is always useful. Pansy already knew that.
But who would have thought that she'd have any use with the doof Hagrid?

Hagrid was a little flabbergasted but had let all of them in.
He also offered them tea in huge mugs that Pansy couldn't even properly hold in her hands. So she didn't bother picking it up, instead she watched Harley struggle to keep her expression straight as she took sips. Harley hated tea. She was probably drinking out of politeness.

Harley exchanged pleasantries for a while before turning to the topic of care of magical creatures . She started out by telling Hagrid how amazing a teacher he is. She also gushed on and on about the Hippogriffs. And even pretended to be interested in blast ended skrewts.

(Which Pansy knew she wasn't. Harley, like any logical person, hated those creatures from hell and almost always stayed inside the cabin when the creatures were brought out. Harley was actually one of the very few who had managed not to get hurt by the skrewts.)

The huge man was happy to find someone who shared his interest and started explaining about the procedure of creating the skrewts which were a crossbreed. Then he was talking about some other weird creature.

Pansy, to be truthful, was actually surprised by the amount of knowledge this man who she thought to be stupid seem to have had. But she still didn't have any interest in anything he was saying. Harley though was encouraging him to talk and Anabiel seemed to be actually interested.

(Anabiel was one of the firsts to take refuge in the Hut after the first class itself. So obviously it was surprising that she was interested in them. Even Pansy had more experience handling the skrewts than Ana)

After what seemed like hours upon hours of weird creature discussion, Harley turned to another topic -bitching about professor Grubbly-Plank .
Harley was actually making up reasons, there wasn't really much problems with her. But Hagrid seemed pleased.

Then she told him about Anabiel's love for unicorns (addressing her as Gideon, obviously) and how she hadn't let any boys near the unicorn.

"But maybe you could show us a unicorn, professor? I'm sure that you know how to befriend unicorns. I mean not the babies but full grown ones? Is there any way? "
"O' course .There's ways! " The man boomed.

Harley subtly gestured towards Anabiel, asking her to make her request.
"So can even I do that? "Anabiel meekly asked.
"Obviously! I mean professor Hagrid is a man, if he can why can't you? " Harley exclaimed.

"yeh're righ' .But it migh' take some time for 'em to trust yeh. It 's easier for 'em to trust women, yeh see "
"Oh" Anabiel hung her head sullenly.

"If yeh wish, I could take yeh ter the forest with me. They 're more comfortable in their own habitat, yeh know "
"Oh really? When? "

Hagrid chuckled at Anabiel's sudden enthusiasm. Pansy was honestly surprised at how easy this had turned out to be . Hagrid had not been suspicious of them at all .
Pansy felt like her gathered for the man dissolve a little more.

(the process had started earlier during the day when he brought baby unicorns to the class)

"Well I'm goin' in the morn'n tomorrow, if yeh want, yeh could join me. " Hagrid said and Pansy was happy to see that Anabiel was literally glowing.

Once they got out of cabin, Anabiel covered her mouth and squealed in excitement.
Pansy glanced at Harley. The two girls shared a satisfied smile.
Now everything is up to the unicorns.


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