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" Why does my.. Head hurts?... "

Na-ra tries to open her eyes but the sudden light makes her squint her eyes in pain however as she slowly open her eyes to find out she's lying on the ground and her hands hurt like hell so she looks down only to find it was tied with some kind of rope tightly which made it all scratched and little blood smears were all over it then only she remembered the man, the abduction but just as she remembered it a sudden pain came into her head, as she tries to hold her head as she moves her hand but the rope scratched her skin making her let out a painful whizz.

She looked around, this place was nothing like she has seen, it was more like a prison in a cave only her as a prisoner. She looked over to her legs which was tied as well .Even though her mind was full of worriness she tries to remain calm as much as she can and before she could even think more, the same man before came into her sight with a wide smile towards her.

" Where am I?!! "

Na-ra questions not trying to let out the fear she had in her voice but the man just chuckled viciously at her question.

" Ah, where is this?? Somewhere that no one can find. Not even the mages of daeho. "

The man answered with a laugh making Na-ra irritated at his words.

" Why did you kidnapped me? For money? "

" Why don't we save this conversation for later? Now it's almost time.. "

That's was all the man answered as he looked up as Na-ra follows his gaze she saw the moon almost perfect through a opening.

While Na-ra was still looking at the unusual perfect moon the man calls over some people over ,wearing unusual clothes and they walked towards Na-ra and two people hold her hands forcefully from both sides as they stood her up and forcefully pushed her to walk as she tried to resist but it was no use . They walked her into a space where so hundreds of people were gathered all of them weared the same unusual cloth and as she walked in all eyes were on her and for some reason they were looking at her like they were admiring her, bowing their head to her.

She halts her steps as the other two people that was holding her stop at thier track. Not knowing what is happening Na-ra tense up, just then an elderly woman step up from the group walking towards with a wicked smile, she tries to caress the girl's cheek as the girl move her head feeling uncomfortable.

" You don't need to be on the guard with us... "

" Oh yeah? Well the whole Abducting me thing say's otherwise. "

Na-ra snaps back at the woman with a deadly glare as the woman let's out a vicious chuckle.

" Sorry about that but we have no other choice but to do that . "

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