Dantana Drabbles

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Prompt: Dani comforting Santana after Finn's death.

Dani frowned as she pounded her fist against the door once more, she knew Santana was hiding away in the apartment; it had been almost three days since she had seen her girlfriend and she was really starting to miss her and her lady parts.

"Lopez, I know you're in there!" Dani sang as she knocked once more on the door. "I just want you to know that I'm not going anywhere until you come out here and kiss me, I'll pound on this door for hours if I have to."

"Go away!"

The sound of a tear-filled voice echoed through the air and the smile that had once graced Dani's face vanished as her fist dropped away from the door, her brow furrowing in worry as she tried to catch up with herself.

"Santana?" Dani frowned with a look of confusion before she knocked a little more frantically against the metal, the blonde swallowing hard around the lump in her throat. "Santana, are you alright?"

"Dani, please. Please just go away."

Dani felt her heart sink at the desperation coating her girlfriend's voice and her body moved forward slightly to press against the door, wishing she could see through the metal so she could see what was happening with her girlfriend.

"You haven't been at work in the last two days, and you haven't been answering my calls or texts." Dani explained as she leaned her forehead against the door. "I've been worried about you. Will you please tell me what's going on?"

"Can you just go away? Please."

"Santana Marie Lopez, open the damn door before I bust it down." Dani ordered as she drew her head away from the cold door before pounding her fist upon it, her brow furrowing when she heard soft sobs. "San?"

"Dani, I'm serious. I-I can't right now." Santana sobbed, her voice cracking halfway through her sentence causing Dani to straighten up as her heart began to pound erratically in her chest. "J-Just please, leave."

"Santana, I'm not going to leave you when you're this upset. Kurt texted me to tell me to come check on you, he said that him and Rachel are in Lima. What's going on?" Dani demanded as she shifted nervously.

The door slid open suddenly and Dani stumbled back as she blinked a few times and stared at her girlfriend, her eyes raking over the Latina's form and taking in the red rimmed eyes and her slouched posture.

"Babe..." Dani whispered.

"He's gone, Dani. He's gone and it doesn't make sense, I don't understand." Santana whimpered, the dark-haired woman sinking against the frame of the door. "A-and Rachel's a mess, and Kurt is falling apart and I'm here alone."

Dani stepped forward and opened her arms to the taller woman, Santana resisting the embrace for only a short moment before she eventually gave in and collapsed against the blonde, both women sinking to the ground.

"Shh, baby. Shh." Dani soothed, her nose buried in Santana's dark locks as she ran a hand up and down the woman's back in an attempt to calm her down. "You're not alone, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

Santana sniffled as she cuddled closer to the blonde and tucked her nose in the crook of her girlfriend's neck before allowing her eyes to flutter shut, "I don't understand, I don't understand how this could happen."

"Can you tell me what's going on?" Dani asked in a gentle tone as she rocked her girlfriend, wishing she could take her pain away as she listened to her soft whimpers. "Why did Rachel and Kurt go back to Lima? And why aren't you with them?"

"I couldn't go back there, I couldn't go back and see all the hurt. All the sadness." Santana explained as she curled closer to Dani, her lips settling against her girlfriend's collar bone as she shook her head. "A-And I-I needed you."

"Well, you have me." Dani whispered before pulling away from Santana slowly, cupping the Latina's face and using her thumbs to wipe away her tears. "Now, tell me what's going on. What's happened?"

"You remember Finn?"

"The goofy guy that Rachel had over a couple of weeks ago?" Dani questioned with a raised eyebrow watching as Santana bit her lower lip before nodding. "Yeah, I remember him. He was really sweet."

"He's dead."

Dani froze as the words slipped from Santana's mouth and the dark-haired woman collapsed against her once more as loud sobs ripped from her body, the blonde unable to move as she attempted to process what she had just heard.

Her heart shattered as she remembered the loving looks Finn and Rachel had shared over the dinner they had gone on when Rachel had insisted she and Santana accompany them for a double date.

Then she remembered the way Santana had looked to Finn with so much admiration, and she recalled the way he would simply smile and roll his eyes every time she referred to him as 'Dough Boy' or talked about his puffy pyramid nipples.

"San," Dani breathed out as she curled her arms around the younger woman, pressing sporadic kisses to the top of her head as she felt Santana shivering against her form. "Oh baby, I am so sorry. I'm so sorry."

"He was such a great guy, Dani. He was always so sweet and ready to help you if you needed it, her cared so much about everyone and was always there to make sure you were happy. And yeah, he was an idiot too but he was a damn good one."

"Baby, I don't understand why you didn't go back to Lima with Kurt and Rachel." Dani sighed with a shake of her head. "I think it would be good for you to be back with your friends, to have a little familiarity. And, what about his funeral?"

"I can't go. I can't do it. Then it'll be real, and I'm not ready for that." Santana confessed with a quick shake of her head. "I don't want to watch everyone cry, and I don't think I can see Rachel fall apart again."

"Oh sweetie," Dani cooed as she released a soft puff of air, mulling over a few ideas before she clamped her teeth down on her lower lip for a brief moment. "San, what...what if I went with you back to Lima?"

Santana sniffled for a long moment before she raised her watery gaze to look at her girlfriend. Slowly, a soft smile slid across her lips as she reached up to drag a finger over the blonde woman's lips.

"You'd do that for me?"

"Santana, I'd do anything for you. Especially if it meant making you happy." Dani replied as she kissed the finger that lingered on the corner of her mouth watching as Santana flashed her a smile. "Ah, there's the smile I love."

"Dani, you are amazing. Like, I don't know how I've managed to make it so long without you in my life." Santana murmured as she arched her head upward, Dani smiling adoringly as she dropped her head to press their lips together.

"You should go pack, I'm gonna go book us a flight." Dani mumbled against her girlfriend's lips causing Santana to groan in protest as she pushed their lips back together before Dani quickly pulled away. "I'm serious, San. Go pack, I'm gonna go look up flights."

"You're amazing, Dani." Santana grinned as she climbed out of Dani's lap, offering her hand to the blonde who allowed herself to be pulled up into a soft embrace. "Thank you for doing this for me, babe."

"Like I said, I'd do anything for you." Dani nodded before she pressed a quick kiss to the side of Santana's neck and pulled away from the dark-haired woman, digging through her purse as she entered Santana's loft.

Santana watched the blonde go and she felt her sadness slowly dwindling; the loss of Finn still burned in her mind, but now that she had Dani she knew that facing Lima and everyone back home wasn't going to be so hard.

Especially now that she had someone in her corner.

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