Chapter 7 Part One

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Prompt: Dani and Santana find out the fertility treatment worked, and they're going to have a baby.


Santana swallowed around the lump that had grown in her throat as she stared down at her beautiful wife, the blonde far away in her dreamland as she laid curled up in nothing but one of Santana’s old high school t-shirts and boy shorts.

The Latina sighed as she dropped back onto her pillow and cupped her hands over her face, she wasn’t sure where all this fear had suddenly come from but she could feel every roll of her stomach and every bead of sweat on her hands.

Laying beside her was her whole world, and inside of her whole world was a piece of a whole new life that she and Dani were going to beginning together; yep, the fertility treatment had worked and Santana was nine months away from being a mother.

"Holy shit." Santana whispered to herself as she shook her head and tried to remind herself that this was something she had desperately wanted. "Calm down, Lopez. You’re going to shit yourself if you’re not careful."

The dark-haired woman frowned lightly as she shook her head slowly and rolled it to glance over at Dani, the blonde shifting in the bed as she rolled over enough for the sheets to slip down to rest against her hips.

Santana’s gaze didn’t hesitate before it fell down to her wife’s stomach, her breath catching in her throat as she reached a shaking hand out to drag the McKinley High Cheerios shirt up to reveal a perfectly smooth stomach.

A whimper escaped her lips as her fingertips danced lightly over pale skin causing Dani to shiver and release a soft whine as she tossed her head to the side, Santana hesitating for a moment before she continued to rub at the smooth skin.

"H-Hi, little one." Santana murmured in a gentle, shaky voice before she felt the corners of her mouth lift into a hesitant smile as she stared at the flat stomach. "I uh I guess I’m your mama…or at least one of them."

Drawing her lower lip into her mouth, Santana scooted down on the mattress to rest her head beside Dani’s hip, her eyes firmly attached to the pale skin before her as her hand continued to skirt over the baby soft skin.

"I-I have to confess, I’m terrified about this whole parenting thing.” Santana mumbled with a soft blush. “I’m not sure I’m really cut out to be a mom, y’know? I’m not sure I have the right patience and love to take care of you.”

The dark-haired woman frowned as she replayed her own words and realized where her internal fear lay; it laid back in the memories of high school, it laid back in the remembrance of the times when she felt like she wasn’t good enough.

And now, after all these years, it resurfaced in a fear that shouldn’t have been there; she was the one who had told Dani that they were ready for children, and she had been the one to push Dani into carrying the baby.

"Your mom is amazing, and you’re going to love her." Santana whispered. "She’s so funny, and smart. Plus, her voice is literally like a million angels kissing all over your face. I’m kind of excited to see you hear it for the first time."

Santana chuckled lightly as she arched her head upward to rest her lips against the pale skin, her eyes fluttering shut as she breathed in the moment of her finally accepting that there was a child growing inside her wife.

"Mm," Dani moaned. "San?"

"Hey, beautiful." Santana muttered as she crawled up the length of the bed to hover over the gorgeous blonde, smiling down at her. "Sorry if I woke you, I was just saying hello to our little baby bean."

Dantana DrabblesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora