Chapter 24

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Prompt: Santana gets protective.

"Please tell me that douche bag isn’t back." Santana grumbled as she appeared beside her girlfriend, Dani sighing as she glanced at her with a sheepish grin. "I thought Gunther banned him."

"Gunther has seemed to have forgotten about that." Dani sighed as she grabbed her notepad and pen, rolling her eyes when she glanced over her shoulder to see the sleezy business man leering at her. "He’s so gross."

"Don’t worry, babe. Just get him his food, and ignore him for the rest of the time." Santana advised as she looked around the diner to make sure no one was paying attention before she dropped a kiss to the crown of Dani’s head.

"Yeah, easier said than done." Dani scoffed as she looked up at Santana with a slight pout, batting her lashes as she watched the younger woman melt slightly. "Do you wanna swap stations with me?"

"You know I would, but I already switched with Brooke today and my tips are really good on my side." Santana replied with a small, apologetic grin as she reached out to rub a hand up and down Dani’s back. "You’ll be fine."

Dani shot her one last look before taking a deep breath and stepping around the counter, her steps hesitant as she slowly walked down her section before pausing in front of the table and clearing her throat.

"Hey, Brian. What can I get for you?"

The middle-aged man looked up with a greasy smile on his face, his tie loosed around his neck as he slung his arm around the back of the booth before allowing his green eyes to roam freely over her form.

"Well, every time I come in here to order a Dani I’m told that it’s not currently on the menu so unfortunately I’m stuck with a burger and fries.” Brian purred watching the way Dani’s lips lifted into a forced smile. “Aw, sweet cheeks, what’s wrong?”

"Nothing. I’ll be right back with your beer." Dani hissed as she shot him one last false smile before spinning on her heels, hurrying to the kitchen as she released a loud sigh before stepping forward to get him a beer.

"This is the fifth time that Brian’s been in this week…and it’s only Tuesday." Kurt pointed out as he joined Dani by the fridge, grabbing himself two beers as he watched her shoulders drop. "What’s wrong?"

"He gives me the creeps." Dani confessed as she quivered lightly, popping the lid off the beer and grabbing a cold mug from the nearby freezer. "Like, at first it was kind of cute that he was flirting but now it’s just weird."

"We all get them, Dani." Kurt shrugged as he gave her a sympathetic smile, scooting around her to grab two mugs. "Just ignore him and remember that if you’re nice you have a chance of getting a bigger tip."

"Yeah, with this guy, it really doesn’t matter how big the tip is." Dani sneered with a roll of her eyes before she caught one last half-smile from Kurt before exiting the kitchen and moving towards Brian. "Here you go. Can I get you anything else?"

"Yeah." The man nodded as he turned his gaze away from the menu before his lips tipped into a smirk and he reached out to touch her hand, Dani jerking her limb away a second later. "How about your number?"

"Brian, I’ve told you that I don’t swing your way." Dani sighed in annoyance as she clicked her pen, glancing down at her pink pad of paper as she bit her lower lip. "Now, do you want an appetizer or anything?"

"Nah, baby, I’ll take my usual." Brian replied with a slight pout watching as Dani nodded slowly before turning to leave, the man chuckling as he kept his eyes glued to her backside as she walked away.

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