Chapter 47*

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Prompt: Taylor gets her first period when Dani's away.

Santana chuckled in amusement as she watched her daughter reaching up for a plate that was on a higher shelf, it always made her laugh to see that Taylor had managed to inherit Dani’s short height.

"I’m shocked you didn’t pull a chair over." Santana smirked as she made her way over to her thirteen-year-old daughter, reaching over her head to grab the plate. "Or climb onto the counter like you usually do."

"Shut up." Taylor snapped with a slight glare as she snatched the plate from Santana’s hand, crossing the room to pile it with a box of pizza pockets, the teen grumbling under her breath as she glared at her plate.

"Whoa, somebody is in a mood today." Santana noted with a frown on her face as she walked over to the fridge, grabbing the peanut butter to make her son his lunch. "Did you not sleep good or are you missing your mom?"

"I slept great, and I’m not missing anybody." Taylor replied over her shoulder, her feet practically stomping against the tiles of the kitchen as she tossed her plate into the microwave and slammed the door shut.

"Tay, quiet down a little bit or you’re going to wake Connor up from his nap." Santana warned with a slight scowl, the amusement dying away as it was quickly replaced with annoyance. "You really need to get rid of this attitude you’ve been sporting."

Taylor was quiet and Santana figured she was standing on the opposite side of the kitchen fuming, but instead the teenager turned around with a quivering lower lip as she stared at her mother with tear-filled eyes.

"Whoa, baby, what’s wrong?" Santana demanded in concern as she crossed the room, gathering Taylor in her arms as the brunette began to sob into her shoulder. "Shh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be mean."

"N-No, I’m the mean one.” Taylor sobbed before she drew away from her mother, wiping her hand over her nose before blinking a few times, lowering her voice. “Ma, I-I think I started my period last night. I’m…bleeding.”

Santana’s eyes widened as she opened and closed her mouth a few times, her heart speeding up as she swallowed around the lump that suddenly grew in her throat before she released a loud squeak.

"Bl-Bleeding?" Santana repeated with wide eyes. "Are you sure? Sometimes you can be wrong, you know? Maybe you like hurt yourself down there or something. I mean, you’re just a baby. You can’t be having your period."

"Ma, my friends have been having their periods since they were like eleven. If anything, I’m a late bloomer." Taylor scowled as she looked up at her mother, her cheeks stained with tears. "Can you like give me a tampon or something?"

"What? No!” Santana exclaimed with a horrified expression as she pulled away from the teenager, shaking her head frantically. “No. Nope. You can have a pad, I think your mom might have some around here somewhere.”

"Ma, I don’t want to wear a pad." Taylor whined before flashing the Latina an expression that matched the pitiful expression Dani used to get her way. "Mama, I need a tampon. Can you please just give me one?"

Santana shot the teenager one last glare before spinning on her heels and hurrying away, the woman pulling her cell phone from her back pocket before quickly dialing a familiar number and eagerly awaiting an answer.


"Taylor started her period." Santana cut in, the woman closing the bedroom door behind herself as she began to pace the length of her bedroom. "She started her period, and now she’s asking me for a tampon."

"Whoa, whoa. Slow down. What’s going on?"

"Dani, our daughter has started her period!” Santana squealed, her voice rising in pitch. “S-She told me that she’s bleeding, and she’s grumpy and last night she ate two supersized Hershey bars in one sitting.”

Santana felt her brow furrow as she heard Dani’s familiar high pitched, amused laughter pouring from the other side of the phone and she could almost picture the older woman clutching her stomach as she cackled.

"This is not funny, Danielle Ray Torres-Lopez! Our baby has started her period, she’s a woman now." Santana pointed out with a scowl on her face. "Do you hear me? She’s going to start PMSing, and it’s going to be torture."

"Okay, that I agree on. It is going to be torture because her attitude was bad enough before her period, I am not excited for all of that drama. But you need to calm down, baby. Did you give her a tampon?”

"Of course I didn’t give her a tampon." Santana scoffed with a roll of her eyes. "I told her she can have a pad, but she doesn’t want one. I know they’re disgusting, but I don’t want her to wear a tampon."

"San, she needs a tampon…"

"What’s wrong with a pad? A tampon is really hard to put in, and there’s no way I’m giving her any lessons on that.” Santana sneered with a slight pout. “I’m giving her a pad, and when you get home you can teach her how to use a tampon.”

"Oh my God, you’re so cute."

"I am not cute, I am a mother who is terrified because her thirteen-year-old daughter has just announced to me that she’s bleeding from her vagina which means she’s a woman.” Santana ranted with a huff.

"Baby, calm down. I have to go."

"Dani, you can’t just leave me alone with this!" Santana exclaimed with a horrified expression, the blonde laughing lightly on the other end of the line. "W-What do I do? I mean, do I like hug her or something?"

"Santana, she’s your daughter, I’m sure you can figure out a way to comfort her. Now, go give her a tampon and a piece of chocolate and then tell her to Skype me later so we can discuss some stuff."

"Fine." Santana sighed. "I love you."

"Love you too, babe."

Santana pouted slightly as she hung up with her wife before taking a deep breath and moving towards the bathroom to grab a tampon from a drawer, her steps hesitant as she wondered her way into the kitchen were Taylor was snacking on her lunch.

"Here." Santana mumbled as she extended the tampon to her daughter, Taylor frowning slightly before she took the offered object with a confused expression on her face. "That’s uh that’s a tampon. You stick it in your…"

"I know!" Taylor cut in, her voice rising slightly as a blush covered her cheeks before she quickly hid the lady product behind her back. "Thanks for giving this to me, Ma. I know this is kind of hard for you, but I appreciate it."

"I know you do, baby girl." Santana sighed before moving towards her daughter, cupping her face with a gentle expression on her face. "You’re growing up and I guess it’s just hard for me to accept. You used to be so little."

"Well, now I’m a woman," Taylor smirked before arching herself onto to her toes to press a gentle kiss to Santana’s cheek, drawing her away to flash a beam her way. "But I’ll never be too old to come to you, Ma. I love you."

"I love you too, little duck." Santana replied with a lopsided grin before Taylor flashed her one last thankful expression before turning to rush away, the dark-haired woman watching her go with a bittersweet smile on her face. "I guess she’s not so little anymore."

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