Chapter 23

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Prompt: Three times Santana says ‘wanky’, and one time Dani does.

"I’m pretty sure I’m dating the hottest girl in New York." Santana mumbled against a full pair of lips, feeling them curve into a smile against her own. "I’m serious. You are the hottest girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on."

"Oh yeah?" Dani smirked as she pulled away from the kiss with a raised eyebrow watching as Santana leaned across the counter in an attempt to catch her in another kiss. "Nuh-uh, we’ve got customers."

"They can wait. I want your lips on mine." Santana purred as she pushed her hands against the counter in order to lean further against the granite.

"Nope. You don’t get anything till later." Dani breathed out against the Latina’s lips causing the younger woman to pout as she dropped back onto the balls of her heels and watched as the blonde winked playfully. "I promise we can play later."

"Wanky." Santana muttered.

"What did you just say?" Dani laughed as she grabbed a nearby dish towel, running it over the counter to clear away the hand-prints that Santana had left behind moments ago. “What in the hell is a wanky, babe?”

"It’s not really anything, it’s just a weird word I made up a long time ago." Santana explained with a small smile as she reached out to grab the towel from Dani. "I’ll wipe up, a table just walked in."

"Alright, babe." Dani smiled as she eyed the woman closely for a moment before shaking her head in amusement as she walked away to a nearby table. "Hi, my name is Dani. Welcome to the Spotlight Diner."

Santana smiled as she continued to wipe the counter while keeping a close eye on her adorable girlfriend watching the way she smiled as she talked with the customers, and Santana knew she had definitely scored with finding Dani.


Santana yawned lightly as she rolled over in bed fully expecting for her arm to drop around a warm body, but instead she was met with cool sheets causing her to frown as she allowed her eyes to flutter open slowly.

The Latina instantly propped herself on her elbow as she looked around for any sign of Dani, the dark-haired woman pouting slightly when she realized that the other woman had managed to slip away while she was asleep.

The woman reluctantly rolled out of bed, throwing on a pair of yoga pants and a tank top before throwing her curtain open and hearing the soft sound of a raspy voice echoing through the air, her feet carrying her towards the familiar sound.

Santana stopped short once she reached the kitchen and found her girlfriend swinging her hips as she sang along to the lull of the music coming from the speaker of her iPhone, the blonde lost in the music.

Brown eyes devoured the amount of skin that was displayed from the pair of shorts and a white t-shirt, Dani arching onto the tips of her toes as she struggled to reach a bowl that had been placed in a higher cabinet.

Smirking, Santana hurried across the kitchen and snuck up behind the shorter woman, bracing a hand on her hip and feeling her jump slightly as Santana reached over Dani’s head and grabbed the correct bowl.

"Good morning, beautiful." Santana whispered as she pressed a kiss to the side of Dani’s head, setting the bowl on the counter as she rolled her body to rest her back against the counter as she stared at the woman.

"It’s about time you woke up, I was hoping you’d help me make pancakes for you and your roomies." Dani grinned as she glanced over at her girlfriend, Santana curling her nose. "Oh come on, you love them."

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