Chapter 11

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Prompt: Original Glee kids and new Glee kids get together for a party and Santana brings Dani so she can finally meet her friends.

"How do I look?"

Santana Lopez paused in sliding her earrings into place to turn and face her girlfriend of six months and she felt her breath catch in her throat as she stared at the blonde who wore a beautiful white dress with her blonde hair softly curled.

The Latina gaped as she stared at the older woman before stumbling lightly over heels in an attempt to reach Dani, and once the blonde was in touching distance Santana didn’t hesitate to swoop her in for a soft kiss.

"You look gorgeous, baby. I’m so proud to have you on my arm.” Santana whispered as she drew away from the kiss slowly, nuzzling her nose against the blonde woman’s. “Are you still feeling nervous?”

"A little bit," Dani nodded as Santana strung her arms around the shorter woman’s waist. "I just want them to like me, y’know? I’m a part of your life now and it would mean a lot to me if your friends were okay with that."

"Of course I want my friends to like you, and they will, but even if they didn’t it wouldn’t matter to me." Santana shrugged as she cupped Dani’s hips, playfully shaking the blonde. "I love you, Danielle. No matter what anyone says."

"Ugh, what have I told you about calling me that?" Dani pouted as she narrowed her eyes at the dark-haired woman who simply flashed her a lopsided grin. "You’re so difficult."

"Okay, lovebirds, please tell me you’re decent!"

Santana rolled her eyes at the sound of Kurt’s muffled voice before she reluctantly peeled herself away from Dani, the Latina moving towards the hotel door and throwing it open to find the man standing on the other side with Rachel beside him.

"Lady Hummel, Berry." Santana greeted as she stepped aside in order to let them in, both trotting into the room and squealing loudly as they caught sight of Dani before they bounced their way over to her to look her outfit over. "Hop off my girl, you weirdos."

Kurt turned his gaze away from Dani and clasped his hands together before looking back to the blonde who was shifting nervously as she looked down at her heels, “Santana, she looks beautiful.”

"I do have eyes, y’know? I realize she looks beautiful, she always looks beautiful." Santana scoffed, rolling her eyes as Rachel and Kurt playfully cooed at her. "Yeah, yeah. Now, are you two losers ready to go?"

"We’ve been ready, we were just waiting on you two to get ready.” Rachel reminded the dark-haired woman with a raised eyebrow before she glanced down at her phone. “Quinn said she’s meeting us in the lobby.”

"Quinn?" Santana repeated with a smirk and a raised eyebrow as she glanced at Rachel whose face lit up in a bright blush as she ducked her head slightly. "Berry, do you have a crush on our repressed wanna be prom queen?"

"Santana." Rachel sighed.

"Oh come on!" Santana laughed as she grabbed her purse, sliding her arms into her black waist length trench coat as she watched Dani do the same. "Please tell me you and Fabgay are finally going to be getting together."

"Babe, leave her alone." Dani ordered as she made her way over to the taller woman, wrapping her arms around her waist from the side and watching as a small pout took over full lips. "No more teasing."

"Fine." Santana pouted.

"Whoa. I never thought I’d live to see the day when Santana Lopez was actually whipped by another girl." Kurt scoffed as he pressed a hand to his chest dramatically before smiling. "We should go, we’re supposed to meet Blaine at the party."

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