Chapter 56

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Prompt: Santana meets Dani's siblings.

I saw a RP post about the Jonas Brothers being Dani's brothers so...David is played Joe Jonas, Drew is played by Kevin Jonas, and Daniel is Dani's twin which is Nick Jonas.

"Oh my God, I cannot wait for our shift to end." Santana Lopez complained as she approached her girlfriend of six months, Dani Torres flashing her a smile of agreement as she continued to wipe down the counter.

"Working the night shift and the morning shift is going to be the death of me," Dani sighed as she set her cloth aside, taking the tray Santana offered to her. "Tell me again why we're pulling all of these crazy shifts...?"

"We're saving up for our trip to Spain with Rachel and Kurt this summer." Santana reminded the blonde with a sigh, the younger Latina leaning against the counter and cupping her hands over her face.

"Oh yes, that's right. I forgot." Dani nodded, returning the tray to its rightful spot before groaning as she heard the familiar chime of the bell, the woman not bothering to seat the new customers. "What time are Rachel and Kurt getting here?"

"They should be here in about thirty minutes and then we're free," Santana replied as she leaned against the counter, bracing her chin in her hand. "Do you want to go back to your place or go to the loft?"

"We've been spending a lot of time at the loft, I kind of miss my studio." Dani confessed as she leaned a little closer to Santana, smiling when the younger woman took a quick glance over her shoulder before pecking the blonde's lips.

"Then to your studio we will go," Santana muttered as she leaned forward once more to brush her nose against Dani's, her lips turning into a gentle smile when she caught sight of the content expression on her girlfriend's face.

"Hey Danny Boy!"

Dani froze suddenly as she jerked herself away from Santana, her hands clinging to the edge of the counter as she heard the sound of a familiar voice before her jaw dropped as she caught sight of three familiar figures.

With shaking legs, Dani scooted her way around the counter and blinked a few times to make sure that she was seeing correctly; she couldn't believe it, her heart was pounding in her chest as her palms began to sweat.

Tears gathered in her eyes as she continued to close the distance between herself and the three people standing before her, her hand coming up to cover her mouth as a sob of surprise slipped from her lips.

"Oh my God, Daniel?" Dani gasped in shock before throwing herself at a brunette man, the said man chuckling as he wrapped his arms around Dani and began to spin her around in large circles. "What are you doing here?"

"Hey, where's our love?" Another voice whined, Dani giggling before she peeled herself away from the curly-haired man before turning to another with thick eyebrows, allowing herself to fall in his embrace before hugging the last man.

"I can't believe you're here," Dani whimpered as she threw herself back into Daniel's embrace, resting her head on his shoulder as she curled his jacket into her fists. "W-why are you here? What's going on?"

"I missed you," Daniel admitted in a soft whisper as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head, snuggling his nose in her blonde locks before chuckling lightly. "I see that you've changed your hair again. Back to blonde, huh?"

"It suits me the best," Dani muttered into his chest before sniffling as she turned her attention to the other two men, both not hesitating to step forward as they squished Dani between them so they were locked in a group hug.

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