Chapter 20

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Prompt: Dani changes her hair.

"So, what our plans for tomorrow?" Santana asked as she glanced down at the blonde woman curled up against her side, Dani yawning slightly as she glanced up before shrugging lightly.

"Look at you, all co-dependent." Kurt teased as he and Rachel slowly began to fold their blankets as their Friday movie night came to an end. "Since when is it our plans, Santana?”

"Go fuck your boyfriend pillow, Hummel." Santana snapped causing Dani to gasp lightly as she cupped a hand over the dark-haired woman’s mouth, the blonde feeling lips slowly stretching against the skin of her palm.

"You’re so mean to them, San. You need to start being nice." Dani scolded with a slow glare as she pulled her hand away from the younger woman’s mouth, Santana grabbing the limb to press a kiss to the top of it. "Nuh-uh, don’t try and act cute."

"I don’t try, babe.” Santana winked as she pressed yet another kiss to Dani’s hand before playfully trailing a trail of kisses up the length of her arm. “You should know by now that I’m just naturally adorable.”

"Yuck. I’m getting out of here before you attack her on the couch." Rachel mumbled with a roll of her eyes as she folded a blanket over her arm and smiled lightly at Dani. "Are you staying the night, Dani?"


"No?" Santana repeated as she tightened her arm around Dani’s shoulders, glancing down at her with a saddened expression before puckering her lower lip. "I thought you were staying the whole weekend."

"I originally planned to, but something came up." Dani replied as she untangled herself from Santana’s arms, stretching her arms over her head before releasing a small yawn. "I’ll see you guys tomorrow."

Santana continued to pout as she watched Dani hug Kurt and Rachel goodbye before the wonder twins wondered to their own rooms, the blonde smiling as she turned to face the younger woman.

"Babe, I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon." Dani giggled as she leaned over to brush a kiss over the top of Santana’s head, the dark-haired woman whining as she wrapped her arms around Dani’s waist and pulled her into her lap. "Santana, I have to go."

"Why can’t you just stay with me?" Santana grumbled as she buried her face in Dani’s neck, nuzzling her soft skin as she breathed in the smell of her perfume. "I promise I’ll give you a reason to stay."

"San, I have to go." Dani giggled before she cradled Santana’s face, pushing her head away from her neck before fusing their mouths together for a gentle kiss. "I’ll see you tomorrow, okay? You’ll be fine without me."

"Says you."

Dani giggled before she stood once more and grabbed her leather jacket off the back of the couch, leaning down to drop one last kiss to Santana’s lips before knocking their noses together causing Santana to smile.

The dark-haired woman released a small sigh as she watched the blonde gather her things together before quietly leaving the loft, Santana lingering for a moment before she hurried off to attempt to sleep off her night without Dani.


Santana hummed under her breath as she entered her loft, sliding the door close behind her as she juggled her coffee and keys before putting them in a nearby bowl and hurrying to the kitchen to enjoy her coffee.

Kurt and Rachel had scurried off to do some shopping leaving Santana to have a morning to herself which had given her the brilliant idea of heading over to Starbucks for a much needed cup of coffee.

The dark-haired woman sighed in happiness as she allowed her coat to slide off her arms before putting it on a nearby hook and moving towards the kitchen, leaning against the counter to eye her coffee closely.

"Oh my God, I love you." Santana whispered as she lifted her cup to her mouth, taking a small sip of her steaming hot coffee and moaning in happiness as her eyes fluttered shut. "Best choice ever."

The woman moaned her way through her cup of coffee before the sound of a knock echoed through the loft causing her to groan before setting her coffee aside and closing the distance between herself and the door.

Santana slid the loft door open and froze suddenly as she caught sight of her adorable girlfriend standing before her, for a moment her heart thudded happily before she glanced up and caught sight of bright blue locks.

"Hey, San." Dani smiled.

"Your uh your hair." Santana whispered in awe as she stared at her girlfriend, her mouth opening and closing a few times as she tilted her head slowly. "I could’ve sworn you were a blonde last night."

"Oh, I was." Dani nodded as she as she leaned against the doorway of the loft, curling her arms over her chest as she arched a high eyebrow. "Does this reaction mean that you hate it? I can always change it back."

"No!" Santana exclaimed as she quickly shook her head before allowing her eyes to slowly take in the change to her girlfriend’s hair. "I like it. It’s just gonna take some getting used to, it’s kind of a huge change."

"Mm," Dani hummed with an amused chuckle before she stepped forward, pressing her body flush against the taller woman’s as she looked up into swollen pupils. "Something tells me you like it more than you’re letting on."

"What can I say? My girlfriend looks hot with blue hair." Santana teased as she reached out to brush a strand of the neon locks from the woman’s expressive brown orbs. "I’ve gotta say, it’s certainty doing something for me."

"Oh yeah?" Dani smirked as she arched her head up, Santana nodding with a small smile of her own as she leaned down to brush their lips together softly. "So, where are your roommates at?"

"Well," Santana sighed as she pulled the older woman further into the loft, pressing another soft kiss to her lips. "Rachel thought it’d be fun to do some wedding planning with Kurt so they’re gone for the afternoon."

"Is that right?" Dani purred as she stepped away from Santana before arching her shoulders back to allow her leather jacket to drop down the length of her arms, pulling it off and tossing it to the side.

"Yes, it is." Santana murmured as she eyed the shorter woman, her eyes dancing over the tight white tanktop the woman wore and her practically painted on jeans. "And I’d really like to see how that blue hair looks spread across my bedspread."

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Santana chuckled lowly before stepping forward and grabbing Dani around the waist before scooping her up bridal style, the blue-haired woman squealing her way into a round of laughter as the two vanished off behind Santana’s curtain.

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