Chapter 54

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Prompt: Santana is a single mom and the boss of a huge company; due to her being so busy she has to hire a nanny for her son/daughter, that nanny turns out to be Dani.

"Jordan," Santana Lopez sighed as she paused at the doorway of her five-year-old's son room, a frustrated expression appearing on her face as she looked around. "I thought I told you to clean up your room."

"No you didn't," Jordan Lopez muttered as he glanced over his shoulder for a short moment, turning back to the page he was coloring. "You told Ms. Parker to tell me to clean my room, but she never did."

"See, that's why I fired her. She never did anything I asked." Santana mumbled to herself before walking into the room, leaning down to scoop up a t-shirt. "Buddy, you need to clean this up before Mr. Torres gets here."

"Mom, why do I have to get another nanny?" Jordan asked in a soft voice as he set his red crayon aside, leaning across his little table to grab a green one. "I liked Ms. Parker, she was nice and she made cookies for me."

"Well, I'm sure Mr. Torres will be just as nice as Ms. Parker was." Santana assured the little boy, tossing a pair of jeans into his hamper. "He should be here in about ten minutes, clean up your toys."

Jordan pouted slightly as he glanced over his shoulder at the woman again before releasing a small huff and sliding from his chair, moving forward to grab a few toys before carrying them towards his toy box.

Santana smiled lightly as she watched the little boy clean up his room, the woman releasing a small relieved breath as she left the room quietly and made her way down the foyer, grabbing her purse off the hook.

The woman glanced at the watch on her wrist as she impatiently waited for the man that would be replacing the nanny she had hired for her son two weeks after he had been born, even though her friends had begged her not too.

But Santana knew that she didn't have a choice, between the fact that she was a DA to one of the top law firms in New York there was also the factor of the hours that she was constantly working and the business trips she was forced to go on.

As much as she loved her son, and as much as she wished she could spend time with him she knew that sometimes her job had to come above him in just a slight effect; she had worked so hard and had slipped up one night by getting drunk and nine months later her world had changed.

Jordan was the light of her life and she knew she wouldn't give one second with him away, but she had known that the second she had welcomed him into the world she wouldn't be the most hands on mom.

A soft knock at the door snapped her from her thoughts causing her to jump before she moved towards the front door, unlocking it before pulling it open and feeling her breath catch as she was met with beautiful brown eyes.


"Um, hi." Santana replied, shaking her head to catch up with herself before she offered her hand to the woman. "I'm going to guess you're Dani. I'm not going to lie, I was kind of expecting a man."

A jolt rippled up Santana's arm as Dani accepted her extended hand, the blonde woman giving her hand a gentle shake before releasing it and reaching up to tuck a few strands of her straw colored hair behind her ear.

"Mmm, yeah, I get that a lot." The blonde woman giggled, Santana swallowing hard at the sound as she forced a bubble of laughter from her own throat. "I'm glad that you hired me, Jordan sounds like a great kid."

"Yeah, Rachel and Kurt said that you're one of the best. They kind of decided to hire some guy to check up on your life or something." Santana chuckled before stepping aside. "Come on in, I'll call for Jordan."

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