Chapter 28

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Prompt: Naya and Demi started dating shortly after meeting on the Glee set, and Naya can be a little over protective. (Naya was never with Big Sean.)

Naya smiled lovingly from her seat in the front row of the XFactor stadium, her gaze locked on the back of her girlfriend’s head as she watched Demi bouncing eagerly in her seat while shooting small comments at Simon.

"Has anyone ever told you that your girlfriend is adorable?" A voice chuckled, Naya glancing over to see Lea sitting beside her with an amused smile on her face. "I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so happy before."

"She’s always like this right before live shows start up, it’s actually just a way to mask her nerves." Naya replied with a shake of her head, scrunching her nose and waving as Demi turned to look at her.

Naya watched as Demi practically shot up from her seat in shock, the blue-haired woman stumbling over her feet and shooting Paulina a thankful smile when she caught her before scrambling down the steps towards her girlfriend.

Giggling, Naya stood and met the younger woman in the middle of her walk and wrapped her arms around her, sighing happily as she felt Demi’s face tuck into her neck before her nose brushed against her pulse point.

"What are you doing here?" Demi muttered against the skin of the older woman’s neck, Naya smiling lightly as she pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "I thought you were filming today and then flying out for a photoshoot."

"We wrapped up filming early, and the photoshoot got canceled so I decided it’d be fun to use my girlfriend card and get a free front row seat to a taping." Naya explained as she pressed yet another kiss to Demi’s head.

"Demi, get over here!" Simon called as he spun around in his chair, the older man rolling his eyes as he caught sight of the blue-haired woman wrapped in Naya’s arms. "You can hug your little girlfriend later. Now, come sit down."

"Your boss is kind of an asshole." Naya chuckled as she felt Demi’s arms loosen around her waist, the dark-haired woman ducking her head to watch as Demi sighed lightly before shrugging her shoulders.

"I’ve been trying to tell everyone that, but nobody believes me." Demi muttered before slinging her head back slightly, Naya leaning down to brush a kiss to her lips. "I’ll see you later, okay? Dinner afterwards?"

"Sounds like a plan. Have fun, baby." Naya whispered as she pressed one last kiss to Demi’s lips, the younger woman pulling away from her reluctantly before waving to Lea and returning to her post.

Naya found her seat just as the show started up, Mario bouncing out into the middle of the stage to deliver his lines before introducing each one of the judges, Demi blowing kisses to the camera as she was introduced.

For the next forty-five minutes, Naya sat back and bobbed her head along to the singers and watched the way Demi praised and criticized each act with a gentle smile on her face, Naya practically melting in adoration.

They were down to their last few acts when Simon and Demi fell into an argument, Kelly and Paulina settling back in their seats as they watched the two duke it out with words that were hissed, the banter flowing easy.

"Uh, I think I know how good my girl was, Simon." Demi scoffed as she stared at her boss. "I’m sorry that you’re halfway towards being deaf, old man. It must really suck to be getting so damn old, huh?"

"You really are a brat, you know that?" Simon chuckled whenever the laughter in the audience died down, the man spinning in his hair slightly. "You know, I bet your little girlfriend would agree with me."

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