Chapter 9

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Prompt: Santana proposes to Dani.

Santana Lopez swore up and down that Dani Torres sleeping was the most adorable thing she had ever had the pleasure of laying her eyes on. She couldn’t explain why she loved it, the rest of her friends had simply described it as a “couples quirk” or something.

They said it was something every couple had, Rachel had said hers used to be seeing Finn show confidence, Kurt swore up and down that seeing Blaine perform was his, and Quinn had simply said that she found everything her boyfriend did cute.

The dark-haired woman just knew that she couldn’t help but lay awake some nights, waiting with baited breaths for the blonde beside her to drift off; those sparkling brown orbs vanishing behind long lashes that settled on perfectly carved cheekbones.

There had been so many times that Santana had shown up unexpectedly to Dani’s apartment and had felt her heart melt at the sight that sometimes met her; she would find her girlfriend sprawled across her bed, limbs going every which way.

And even after two and a half years of being together, Santana still stayed up late some nights to watch the blonde. After all they had been through and all the stress that had been on them lately, seeing Dani sleeping always made her feel peaceful.

And like any other night, Santana lay watching the way Dani slowly fell asleep, the blonde curled peacefully into her girlfriend’s arms with a content look on her face, her fists balling the thin material of Santana’s pink tank top while her nose scrunched every few seconds.

The only sounds in the room were Dani’s easy breathing and the soft roll of thunder bouncing off the glass windows scattered around the room, lightning causing a glow to cast the perfect rays on the dozing couple.

It had been sprinkling on and off all day, but right as the couple had retreated to bed the thunder and lightning had started up and Santana had watched lovingly the way Dani eagerly dove into bed, covering herself with a heap of blankets.

Santana yawned lightly as she felt her eyes growing heavy, the pull of sleep drawing her in as she lazily draped her arm over Dani’s waist and drew a few mindless shapes over her spine, making a few hearts and stars.

The dark-haired woman sighed lightly as she dipped her hand a little lower and tugged lightly at the end of Dani’s purple oversized Spice Girl’s t-shirt causing the blonde to shift closer to the Latina, grumbling softly.

"Sorry, baby." Santana whispered with a soft laugh, leaning down to brush her lips over the top of the older woman’s head as a sleepy smile began to tug at her lips. "You are so beautiful when you sleep."

"I’m not sleeping." Dani mumbled into Santana’s chest as she lifted her head and stared into brown orbs, a smile quirking at her lips as she watched the taller woman. "I can feel you staring so sleeping is impossible."

"Can you blame me? I have the world’s most beautiful girl laying in my arms, sleeping is a joke right now." Santana teased causing Dani to release a small giggle as she dropped her head to rest in the crook of the dark-haired woman’s neck. "I love you."

"Yeah?" Dani grinned as she drew away from Santana’s embrace to stare into dark orbs that were a shade lighter than her own, her full lips turning into a smirk. "And how much do you love me, San?"

"How much?" Santana repeated with a raise of her eyebrow watching as Dani nodded. "Well, I love you enough to know that I’d do anything in this world to make you happy. And I love you enough to put up with your snoring."

"Wh…I do not snore!” Dani gasped as she swatted at Santana’s arm causing the younger woman to laugh lightly as she wrapped the blonde in her arms before rolling over to straddle the older woman with a content sigh. “What are you doing?”

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