Chapter 35 Part One

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Prompt: Drabbles set to the little poem 'Marry Somebody'.

Marry someone who lets you have a bite of their brownie, even when you said you weren't hungry.

Dani giggled as she watched her girlfriend from across the table, the dark-haired woman going on about her old cheerleading coach; currently, she was telling Dani about the time she had tried to stuff one of her best friends in a cannon.

"After that, I quit for a little bit." Santana sighed, her laughter settling lightly as she shook her head and recalled the old days of high school. "It was nice, and freeing. But at the same time it was terrifying."

"Understandable." Dani nodded as she reached across the table to rest a hand over Santana’s, the younger woman smiling lightly as she threaded their fingers together. "How does life look now? Without cheerleading, I mean."

"Well, at first it was weird just giving up something I've been doing all my life," Santana confessed with a frown before shrugging lightly. "But now, I have so much in my life that I’m thankful for that it doesn't matter anymore."

"Oh yeah?" Dani smirked. "And what are you thankful for?"

Santana returned the smirk before opening her mouth to respond, only to be silenced as a plate was set in front of her, the dark-haired woman releasing a moan of happiness as she stared down at the brownie resting on her plate.

"Oh my God, get inside of me now." Santana muttered to her plate as she waiter walked away, the woman licking her lips as she grabbed her fork and speared a piece of the desert before popping it into her mouth. "Oh sweet Jesus."

Dani rested her chin in the palm of her hand as she watched Santana closely and listened to the younger woman whisper a few thank you’s to God, “Apparently your desert is a religious experience. Interesting.”

"Dani, you have to try this." Santana mumbled through a mouthful of her brownie, cutting off a fair sized piece before moving the fork towards her girlfriend’s mouth only to have her turn her head in response. "Babe, try it."

"I’m not hungry…"

Santana rolled her eyes and waited patiently for Dani to look at her one again before nudging the fork against the blonde’s mouth causing her to laugh, Santana smirking as she slid the brownie into her mouth.

Dani’s eyes widened as the chocolate settled on her tongue, her eyes closing as she allowed it to melt in her mouth before she fluttered her lashes back open and caught sight of the smug grin Santana was sporting.

"Holy shit, that is magical." Dani whispered as she picked up her own fork, reaching across the table to take another bite of Santana’s brownie, the dark-haired woman chuckling as she pushed the plate in between them.

"Join me in this amazing religious experience." Santana ordered causing Dani to laugh as she continued to cut off tiny bites of the brownie, the younger woman watching her girlfriend with a loving smile. "Told you you’d like it."


Marry someone who laughs at the same things you do.

"Romantic comedy."

"No, let’s do a musical."

"How about The Notebook?"

Santana sighed as she dropped onto the couch watching as her girlfriend and her two roommates argued over which movie they should watch for their weekly movie night; so far, nobody had come to an agreement.

"No, we’re not watching The Notebook again.” Rachel snapped as she shot a quick glare Kurt’s way before looking to Dani. “And we watched a romantic comedy last Friday, I think we should do a musical.”

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