Chapter 31

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Prompt: Dani and Santana get into a fight, and Dani writes her a song.

"God, she’s so fucking frustrating!” Santana growled as she slammed the loft door behind her, the metal meeting with a loud bang causing her other two roommates to jump as they turned to look at her.

"Hey, we didn’t expect you to be back tonight." Kurt frowned as he shot a quick look at Rachel who closed her script slowly while Santana collapsed on the couch. "Bad date?"

Bad date? Um, that’s the understatement of the year. My girlfriend is a fucking lunatic, I swear.” Santana hissed as she clutched her hands over her face before groaning loudly. “She’s pissed at me because some waitress flirted with me.”

"That doesn’t sound like Dani." Rachel frowned.

"Well, that’s because you haven’t seen the jealous version of Dani or the psychotic one." Santana grumbled as she dropped her hands away from her face, throwing her head back against the couch. "God, she’s fucking bi-polar, I swear."

"So, what exactly happened?" Kurt asked as he curled his legs underneath his weight while Rachel stood from the floor and moved towards the fuming Latina, sitting beside her in a silent show of support.

"Everything was going great till this redheaded chick started flirting with me, and at first I ignored it but then I decided that maybe if I flirted back she’d leave me alone…bad idea." The dark-haired woman scoffed with a shake of her head. "Dani got pissed and walked out."

Why would you flirt back, Santana?” Kurt sneered with a look of wonder on his face as he watched Santana shoot him a glare. “No, I’m serious. You have a girlfriend, flirting isn’t an option anymore.”

"Yes, I’m well aware of that now, Hummel.” Santana hissed as she ran a hand over her face, pinching the bridge of her nose. “She’s just so…complicated. She’s always running off or getting pissed at me for stupid stuff.”

Rachel frowned in sympathy as she reached out to rub a gentle hand along Santana’s bicep, feeling a wave of relief wash over her when the Latina leaned into her touch, “Well, have you tried talking to her about it?”

"Of course I’ve tried, she just shuts down and tells me that she’s just a naturally jealous person or some bullshit like that." Santana said with a scowl on her face. "It gets annoying, she’s always so hot and cold with everything."

Kurt was silent for a moment as he pinched his lower lip between his teeth before squirming around on the couch, “Santana, do you even want to be with Dani?”

"Kurt!" Rachel squeaked.

Both Rachel and Kurt expected Santana to explode, to yell at them for even thinking of such a thing but to their surprise she sat on the couch and frowned lightly as her brows dipped silently in thought.

They watched her for a long moment and could see the wheels slowly turning in her head, the dark-haired woman apparently mulling over every thought in her head as she sighed lightly before locking eyes with Kurt.

"If she doesn’t start opening up to me and letting me know what’s bothering her…then no. I won’t do that again, I won’t walk around clueless as to what my girlfriend is feeling. I went through that enough with Brittany." Santana muttered.

Another bout of silence fell upon the roommates as they pictured a life without Dani being a part of it; for the last six months she had become a regular fixture in the loft, and the thought of not having her around pained them all.

A soft knock against the loft door caused them all to turn their attention to it, Rachel sighing as she heaved herself from the comfort of the couch before crossing the room and sliding the door open slowly.

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