Chapter 48*

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Prompt: Taylor's first date.

"A date?” Santana scoffed as she stared at her wife who nodded and went back to washing dishes, the blonde flashing the younger woman a quick smirk. “Baby, this is not funny. You’re letting our thirteen-year-old daughter go on a date?”

"Santana, she’s excited." Dani giggled with a shake of her head as she glanced over her shoulder. "Cooper has been friends with her since she was seven, I think we can trust that he’ll treat her with respect and not do anything to hurt her."

"I always knew that kid was bad news." Santana mumbled under her breath causing Dani to grin as she rolled her eyes. "So, we’re going to go and observe this date, right? Like, we’re not just going to just let her go by herself?"

"Of course we’re going to let her go by herself, Santana." Dani replied as she turned to face her wife, wiping her bubbled hands clean on a nearby dishtowel. "I’ll drop her off and then pick her up when the movie is over."

"Movie?" Santana repeated, her eyes widening slightly as her jaw dropped before she quickly shook her head. "No. There’s no way she’s going to the movie theater, I know what people do at movie theaters."

"Santana, they’re thirteen, I doubt they’ll do anything." Dani sighed as she moved towards her wife, wrapping her arms around her thin waist and giving her a small squeeze. "Baby, you have to let her do this. She’s growing up, accept it."

"Gah, first her period and now this? Raising a child is really hard," Santana frowned as she leaned down to rest her forehead against Dani’s. "The only thing I’m thankful for is that Connor won’t be going through all this drama."

"Nope, we’ll just have to worry about him knocking up his girlfriends or getting an STD." Dani teased causing Santana’s breath to catch as her eyes began to widen. "Santana, I’m kidding! Stop worrying about all of this stuff."

"How can I stop worrying, D? These are my babies, they’re just babies." Santana whined with a frown on her face as she cuddled closer to Dani causing the blonde to giggle in amusement as she rolled her eyes.

Dani sighed lightly as she arched her head up slightly before pressing a kiss to the side of her wife’s head, “They’re not going to be babies forever, y’know? One day they’ll get married and have babies of their own.”

"Ugh, I’m out of here!" Santana declared as she drew herself away from the older woman who laughed in amusement, the younger Latina leaving the kitchen with her hands clamped over her ears. "I refuse to think about all that stuff."

"It’ll happen someday, San!" Dani called after the dark-haired woman before cackling lightly as she turned back to the sink to finish her dishes, the blonde shaking her head. "I married such a weirdo."


"I don’t understand why I can’t just wear jeans, Mom. This is Cooper, he’s known me since I was seven, he won’t care what I’m wearing." Taylor huffed as she sat on her bed watching her mother rummage through her closet.

"Sweetheart, it’s your first date, don’t you want to look nice?" Dani frowned as she exited the closet with a dress draped over her forearm. "This is supposed to be exciting, and you’re supposed to want to look amazing."

"Mom, you wore jeans and a tank top with your leather jacket for your first date with mama. I don’t think it matters what I wear." Taylor sighed with a roll of her eyes watching as her mother narrowed her eyes. "How do I remember that? I have a good memory."

"Yeah, a scary good one." Dani mumbled under her breath before moving towards her daughter’s dresser and opening it. "Okay, fine. If you want to wear jeans then you can wear jeans, deal?"

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