Chapter 12

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Prompt: Santana kisses Brittany, and Dani finds out.

In the silence of the hotel room, Santana Lopez swore she could hear the impact of every tear that leaked down Dani's face and splattered against the floor and it killed her to know that she was the cause of those tears.

Coming back to Lima was supposed to have been for a celebration; Dani had gotten close to the Lopez clan and the Glee club back home, so when she had gotten signed to a record label she had begged Santana to take her back to the Latina's home town to celebrate.

The only problem was that when they had arrived and had popped in to greet the Glee club, they were met with icy blue eyes and blonde locks that became a blur as a tall figure knocked itself into Santana, untangling the Latina's hand from Dani's.

And from that moment four days ago, Santana had found herself in a whirl of coffee dates and late night talks with the girl she had been so convinced she was going to spend the rest of her life with back in high school.

So while she had allowed the past to sweep her away, she had forgotten that her present sat in a hotel room waiting day after day for her girlfriend to acknowledge her, to talk to her about something other than Brittany.

Eventually, Dani had reached her breaking point when she had gotten a call from Kurt asking if she was alright and when she had demanded to know why he was asking, he had let it slip that Artie had caught sight of Brittany and Santana kissing at Breadstix.

And when Santana had stumbled into the hotel room around two in the morning with a goofy smile on her face, she had been surprised to see Dani awake and haphazardly throwing things in her suitcase.

"Dani, what's going on?" Santana questioned as she sobered instantly, stepping towards the blonde and reaching out to grab her wrist only to have the older woman pull away from her with a soft sob. "What's wrong?"

"Don't touch me." Dani ordered in a raspy tone as she grabbed one of her t-shirts, tossing it into the suitcase before quickly zipping it up. "I have a flight back to New York in an hour, I'll be by to pick up my stuff from your loft when you get back."

"Dani, what are you talking about? Why are you leaving? And why do you need your stuff? I-I thought you were thinking of moving in with us." Santana reminded her with a look of hurt and utter confusion on her face.

"Well, I'm sure you'll be more than happy to offer my place to Brittany." Dani spat out as she grabbed her guitar, setting it carefully in its case and zipping it up before turning to face her girlfriend with tear-filled eyes.

"What? Why would I want Brittany to move in with me?" Santana scoffed as she furrowed her brow in confusion watching as Dani narrowed her eyes slowly. "Dani, I don't understand why you're being like this."

"I heard about your night out with Brittany, Santana." Dani snapped watching as Santana's eyes widened and her jaw dropped slowly causing the blonde to scowl lightly. "Yeah. I heard all about the kiss."

"Baby..." Santana began.

"I don't understand what you want from me, Santana!" Dani exclaimed, tears falling down the lengths of her cheeks as she stared at her girlfriend. "I'm in love with you, head over heels, and you turn around and hurt me. Y-You kissed her."

"Dani, I was buzzed..."

"That doesn't matter, Santana!" Dani yelled, cutting the Latina off before she turned away from the younger woman and dragged a hand through her hair in frustration. "Fuck. I can't believe you did this to me."

"Dani, it meant nothing to me. I'm over her, I told you that." Santana whispered as she stepped forward in an attempt to set a hand on her girlfriend only to have her hand shrugged away as the older woman sniffled. "Baby, I'm sorry."

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