Chapter 7 Part Two

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Prompt: Dani and Santana's son is born, and someone comes back for a surprise visit.

Santana Lopez had only ever fallen in love three times in her life.

The first had been on her first day of fourth grade when a blonde girl with sparkling blue eyes had sat beside her and offered to share her crayons with Santana if she stopped frowning and uncrossed her arms.

After that, it was a tumble of ten years worth of a relationship that had turned Santana’s world upside down. But, Santana knew she’d never trade those years for anything because that first love had led her into her second love’s arms.

The second time Santana had fallen in love was when she had caught sight of a beautiful blonde from across a quaint little diner, and that was the first time that Santana had ever believed in the terminology of ‘love at first sight.’

That second love had taught her everything she had needed and had been the muse to create a song that had put her in Hollywood’s sight, and before she knew it that song had led her to becoming one of America’s highest charted artists.

And that second love had led her to the third love that rested sleeping peacefully in her arms, blonde wispy locks resting underneath a blue cap and puffy little cheeks moved as tiny pink lips smacked lightly.

"He’s gorgeous, D." Santana whispered as she sat on the edge of her wife’s hospital bed, the blonde woman humming in agreement as her eyes fluttered shut slightly. "You did so good today, baby. I’m so proud of you."

"Does he have all ten of his toes and fingers?" Dani slurred with a lopsided grin causing Santana to snort in amusement before she tilted the baby to allow Dani to look him over. "Ah, just as I expected. He’s perfect."

"Of course he’s perfect, he came out of you." Santana winked before a soft knock echoed through the hospital room and a head poked in causing the Latina to grin lightly. "Hey, Q. Come on it."

Quinn squeaked lightly in excitement as she hurried into the hospital room, Santana’s eyes widening slightly in surprise as a majority of her old Glee club came piling into the room with multiple gifts in their arms.

"Oh my God, let me see my godson." Quinn ordered as she hurried to Santana’s side reaching out to take the infant, but the dark-haired woman simply growled and held him just a little bit closer. "Come on, S. Don’t be greedy."

"I don’t want to let him go." Santana confessed causing Quinn to soften slightly as she eyed her friend. "I mean, he was only born a couple of hours ago and the idea of setting him down freaks me out. He needs me."

"Quinn was the same way after Nova was born, she literally used to stalk the nurses when they took the baby up for check ups." Rachel grinned as she appeared at Quinn’s side, resting a hand on her lower back.

"He’s gorgeous, Sanny."

Santana felt her body tense slightly as her eyes snapped away from her son long enough to look up in shock as she stared at her ex-girlfriend, the same woman that she hadn’t seen in almost seven years.

"B-Brit?" Santana frowned as her arms loosened around her son, Quinn hurrying to reach out and take the baby as the Latina stood from the bed and moved towards the blonde. "W-What are you doing here?"

"I heard about the baby and I was in town, I wanted to meet him." Brittany explained with a shrug of her shoulders as she looked over at the newborn with a sad, bittersweet smile on her lips. "I always knew you’d have beautiful children."

"Well, technically I didn’t. Dani had this beautiful one." Santana replied as she caught the way Brittany flinched at the mention of her wife’s name. "Brit, not that I’m not thrilled by you being here but…why now?"

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