Chapter 59

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Prompt: Thanksgiving with Dantana.

"Baby, I don’t understand why you’re so worried.” Santana grinned as she leaned against the counter beside her wife watching as the blonde fluttered throughout the room.

“Santana, this is our first Thanksgiving as a family with everyone else’s family in our home. It’s important.” Dani snapped as she shot the younger woman a glare watching the way her eyebrow perked.

“Sweetie, everything is going to be perfectly fine.” Santana assured her as she wrapped her arms around Dani’s waist causing her to freeze in her trek towards the fridge. “Just take a deep breath and calm down.”

“What if I screw it up? It’d be different if it was just you and me because you tell me my cooking sucks all the time, but this is your family and Rachel’s family and Kurt’s family and…ugh, this is a bad idea!” Dani screeched.

Santana released Dani and watched as she practically ran out of the kitchen causing the woman to grin in amusement as she shook her head before trailing after the ranting blonde who was now leaning over staring at the computer screen.

“Do we need stuffing? Like, why is it so essential that I stuff it into the turkey’s ass?” Dani grumbled to herself as she scrolled through the recipe. “Plus, why do I have to put butter in there? That’s so fattening.”

Santana watched the way Dani continued to yell at the computer before she closed the distance between herself and her wife, slamming the laptop shut and clamping a hand over Dani’s mouth when the blonde popped up to yell at her.

“You need to calm down or I’m canceling this dinner.” Santana said in a stern voice as she narrowed her eyes. “I’m not going to watch you run around for the next two days stressing over this. I’m here, okay? Let me help.”

Lowering her hand, Santana watched the way Dani’s eyebrows furrowed slowly before pouting her lower lip as she stepped forward to cuddle her face in her wife’s neck as she released a long breath of relief.

"I just want everything to be perfect...”

“And it will be if you just relax and let me help you.” Santana whispered into her wife’s hair, pressing a kiss to the top of her head before squeezing her lightly. “So, what do you say? Would you like to team up with me?”

“Well, we do make a great team.” Dani sighed with a thoughtful expression before she smiled and curled her arms around Santana’s neck. “I would love to be on your team."

Santana chuckled in amusement before staring at the woman she had married with nothing but happiness and love in her eyes; holding up her hand, Dani scoffed lightly before she raised her own hand to high-five her wife.
“Let’s do this.” Santana smirked.


“Santana, I can’t…”

“Baby, just do it. You’re so close.”

“I-I can’t. It’s do disgusting, and wet.”


“Santana!” Dani whined as she stared at the turkey, tilting her head slightly as she glanced down at her gloved hands. “I-I can’t stick my hand in a turkey’s ass. Why can’t you do it? I’ll make the mashed potatoes.”

“Babe, you almost chopped off your finger cutting up celery, you’re done with knives.” Santana reminded the blonde with a lift of her eyebrow before pushing Dani forward slightly. “All you have to do is pull the guts out and you’ll be done.”

“Can’t we like order a turkey?” Dani mumbled even as she stepped closer to the counter, poking lightly at the turkey with a disgusted expression. “I mean, I read online that you could easily order a cooked turkey.”

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