Chapter 25

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Prompt: Dani and Santana go shopping.

"Good morning!"

Kurt groaned as he caught sight of a bouncing Dani that came skipping into the kitchen, her smile almost blinding him as he dropped his head to rest against the table while giving a short wave.

"Good morning, Dani." Rachel beamed as she turned, extending a blue mug full of coffee to the woman who accepted it with an eager grin. "You know, it’s so nice having a morning person in the loft now."

"I don’t know how the two of you do it," Kurt grumbled against the wood of the table, rolling his head so his chin propped him up. "The two of you spend all day bouncing off the walls, get maybe six hours of sleep, and are still chipper in the morning."

"I just love that it’s a new day which means a whole new adventure." Dani shrugged as she sipped her coffee, Rachel nodding along with her words. "So, what are you guys doing today? I know Santana mentioned wanting to go shopping."

"Oh yes, we were hoping that we could join the two of you. I’m in desperate need of a few new shirts." Rachel frowned as she turned herself to face the stove, flipping it on to start a batch of eggs for her friends.

"I’m okay with it, but you better run it by Santana first." Dani replied with a lift of her shoulders as she glanced at the clock. "In fact, I think I’m going to go wake her up before she sleeps until noon."

Dani set her mug on the counter before turning to skip her way over to Santana’s curtained sleeping station, the blonde quietly throwing the sheet back as she slipped into the darkened area with a loving grin.

The blonde took a moment to admire the sleeping Latina who had used a pillow as a replacement for Dani when she had slipped out a few minutes ago; Dani didn’t think she’d ever get over how adorable Santana was when she slept.

"Baby," Dani whispered in a sing-song tone as she moved towards the bed, crouching slightly in front of the dark-haired woman’s face to brush a few strands of bangs from her face. "Hey, wake up. It’s almost ten o’clock."

"Mm, no." Santana whined as she turned her face into her pillow releasing a slight huff as she shook her head before peeking one eye open to look at the older woman. "Lemme sleep a few more minutes."

Dani narrowed her gaze as Santana allowed her eyes to fall shut again before the blonde jumped on the bed on her hands and knees causing the younger woman to jolt slightly as she groaned.

"Santana Marie Lopez." Dani began as she poked weakly at her girlfriend’s back, Santana grunting in answer as she tightened her form around the pillow she had clutched to her stomach.

Quickly, Dani jumped to her feet and began to bounce upon the bed causing Santana to jostle as she desperately swung her leg in and effort to knock Dani which only caused the older woman to giggle in amusement.

"San, I wanna go shopping." Dani pouted as she dropped back onto her knees, crossing her arms over her chest as she watched Santana prop herself onto one of her elbows to flash her an annoyed scowl.

"You woke me up to tell me you want to go shopping?” Santana demanded watching as Dani’s pout melted into a smile as she eagerly nodded her head, the dark-haired woman sighing heavily. “Give me twenty minutes, okay?”

Dani squeaked in excitement as she uncurled her arms from her chest to launch herself at Santana, pressing sloppy kisses to her face as the younger woman laughed and shoved her off with a bright smile.

"You’re the best, babe." Dani said in an excited tone as she slid off the bed, moving towards the curtain and stepping out before poking her head in a moment later. "I’ll have your coffee ready by the time you get out."

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