Chapter 37*

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Prompt: Dani and Taylor meet Kurt and Rachel.

"I don’t think I’ve ever seen her like this." Rachel noted as she and Kurt watched their friend fluttering through their spacious loft, the Latina muttering things under her breath as she silently worked.

"I know, right? I’m gonna guess this girl is something special." Kurt frowned as he shot a quick glance to Rachel. "I mean, they’ve been dating for like three months and we’re just now meeting her? She hasn’t done that since she dated that one girl."

"Ugh, don’t even bring that bitch up." Rachel mumbled as she lifted her wine glass to her lips, taking a generous sip before smiling lightly. "Santana, why don’t you calm down? Everything looks great."

"Huh?" Santana frowned as she finally stopped moving, her brown eyes finding her roommates who were lounged out in the living room with wine. "Why are you guys just sitting there? Help me!"

"Santana, you made us clean the loft twice today and help you make dinner.” Kurt reminded her with a roll of his eyes. “Everything looks amazing, and dinner smells like Heaven. She’s going to love it.”

"It’s not just her I’m worried about," Santana sighed as she ran a hand through her hair before taking a deep breath and moving towards the chair that was placed to the side of the couch. "I need to tell you guys something about Dani…"

"Is she a serial killer?"

"Oh my God, does she have three nipples?"

"Kurt, that’s disgusting. And highly unlikely."

"And your serial killer theory was more likely then mine? Please.”

"Would you two shut up?" Santana hissed causing both to snap their mouths shut as they finally turned their attention back to her. "First of all, she’s not a serial killer and she definitely doesn’t have an extra nipple, I promise you that.”

"Santana, ew." Rachel blushed as she looked away from the Latina, huffing when she heard the familiar tinkle of Santana’s amused giggle. "Fine, if those two options are out, then what’s up? What’s wrong with her?"

"There’s nothing wrong with her." Santana snapped with a slight glare, taking a breath to calm herself down before she fidgeted nervously and glanced down at her lap. "It’s just…she has a four-year-old daughter."

"What?" Kurt gasped as he shot up on the couch, his icy blue eyes widening in shock as he shot a look to Rachel to see her wearing the same expression. "You’re dating someone who has a kid?"

"Yes, and Taylor is so sweet. She’s one of the most well-behaved and amazing little girls’ I’ve ever met, Dani has definitely done an amazing job at raising her.” Santana smiled, a light blush gracing her cheeks.

"Oh my God, you’re attached!" Rachel exclaimed with a look of shock still present on her face, the brunette shaking her head slowly. "Santana, this is huge. Are you sure you’re ready to be in this kind of relationship?”

"I’ve been in this type of relationship for three months." Santana reminded her with a roll of her eyes. "Look, I know what I’m doing and I’m happy. Dani and Taylor mean the world to me, and I really hope you guys see how amazing they are tonight."

Kurt and Rachel swapped looks of awe before the sound of a knock brought them free from their thoughts, both shooting up from the couch as Santana calmly stood from her chair and moved towards the door.

Santana slowly yanked the door open before a smile spread across her face at the sight of her girlfriend standing there with Taylor carefully balanced on her hip, the four-year-old’s face lighting up at the sight of the woman.

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