Chapter 17

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Prompt: Dani and Santana go to a haunted house.

"Tell me again why we’re doing this…" Kurt demanded with a slight pout as he wrapped his arm through Blaine’s. "Why can’t we just spend the weekend in our apartment like normal people?"

"Oh calm down, Lady Face." Santana sighed with a roll of her eyes as she tightened the arm she had draped over Dani shoulders. "We’re supposed to be entertaining Q and Frodo, what better way then taking them to a haunted house?"

"Yeah, but did you have to choice Blood Manor?" Quinn grumbled as she glanced down at Rachel who was nervously chewing at her lower lip as she stared at the entrance. "Rach looks like she’s about to pee her pants."

"I don’t think it’s going to be as bad as everyone makes it out to be," Dani shrugged before glancing up at Santana with one of her bright smiles. "Plus, I have a super hot girlfriend to keep me safe."

"That’s right, baby. I promise you these guns will protect you." Santana assured the blonde as she playfully lifted her arm to flex it, Dani giggling as she rolled her eyes at the woman standing beside her.

"Oh good, I’m so glad I have my big strong girlfriend to protect me.” Dani cooed as she turned and wrapped her arms around Santana’s neck, the dark-haired woman flashing a goofy smile as she rested her hands on Dani’s hips.

"Of course. I’ll always protect you." Santana whispered as she ducked her head, capturing Dani’s lips with her own as the blonde moaned lightly and pressed herself closer to the younger woman.

"Get a room, you two." Kurt hissed before the six were led to the front where they listened to the sounds of screams and squeals, the man swallowing hard as he looked to Blaine. "You’ll protect me, right?"

"I’ll try." Blaine nodded.

"I don’t like this." Rachel finally breathed out as she glanced up at Quinn, the blonde giving her a sympathetic half-smile as she rested a hand on her lower back. "Why can’t we just go out to dinner or something?"

"Come on, Berry!" Santana exclaimed as she finally turned her gaze away from Dani, glancing at her short roommate. "There’s only like a week till Halloween and we’ve done nothing to celebrate, just live a little."

"I’m fine with living a little, Santana," Rachel assured her with a soft huff. "I just don’t see how any finds being scared appealing. Why would I willingly go into a place where I know people are going to jump out at me?"

"I think haunted houses are kind of fun," Dani chirped as she peeked over Santana’s shoulder at the four people behind her. "I mean, I guess sometimes I get scared but other than that it’s always super fun."

"I just don’t know how I feel about doing this," Rachel confessed as she chewed nervously at her lower lip once more. "Santana, if anything happens to me then I’m giving you the hospital bill to pay."

"Nothing is going to happen to you, Berry." Santana sighed with a roll of her eyes as she turned her attention back to Dani and furrowed her brow slightly. "So, you aren’t going to be scared when we go in there?"

"Oh, I’ll be scared." Dani replied with a small grin, wrapping her arms around Santana’s thin waist and squeezing her lightly as she looked up at her. "I’m going to need you to hold me and not let go."

"Well, you’re in luck because I happen to be very good at holding you.” Santana murmured as she brushed her lips against Dani’s causing the blonde to giggle as she pulled away to tuck her face into Santana’s neck.

"Are you going to beat anyone up if they try and touch me?" Dani mumbled against Santana’s skin drawing away slowly to glance up at Santana who raised an eyebrow before nodding her head in a quick response. "Promise?"

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