Chapter 13

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Prompt: Santana finds out about Dani's past with her parents.

"Wow." Dani panted as Santana finally rolled off her, the blonde feeling her chest heave as she dropped back onto the pillows and pressed a hand to her forehead. "I am so glad Rachel convinced you to cut your claws."

"Well, you never had a problem with me just using my tongue before yesterday." Santana reminded her as she laid back on the mattress, Dani not hesitating to scoot closer to the dark-haired woman and curl into her side.

"True." Dani yawned as she allowed her eyes to flutter, the blonde arching into the hand that Santana was rubbing and down her back as she moaned softly. "You know, if you keep doing that I just might fall asleep on you."

"I wouldn't have a problem with that." Santana assured her with a shrug of her shoulders as she continued to stroke her girlfriend's back, Dani smiling lightly as she released a light giggle and pressed a kiss to Santana's collar bone.

The two were silent as they laid together enjoying the silence of the loft knowing that they didn't have to worry about Kurt or Rachel barging in on them since both were preoccupied with things going on at NYADA.

Santana glanced down at the woman in her arms and couldn't help but feel the familiar tightening in her chest as she watched the way Dani scrunched her nose before reaching up to scratch it as she yawned.

The younger woman didn't know how she had gotten so lucky with finding Dani, the blonde was one of the best things to happen to her; and after two months, she was starting to wonder if Dani felt the same way she did.

Dani hadn't been shy about asking Santana about her past and Santana hadn't bothered to hide any of it; she had talked about how Finn had outed her and followed it with the long version of her grandmother kicking her out.

Through every story of her life, Santana knew that Dani had gotten a glimpse into her past but she had never really had the chance to find out anything about her girlfriend's past, Dani had been pretty tight lipped about it all.

Santana curled her arm upward to scratch at Dani's scalp causing the older woman to moan softly as she nuzzled her nose against Santana's neck and sighed softly, "Do you remember our first conversation?"

"Yes. How could I forget it? You were so adorable." Dani giggled as she arched her head upward slightly to glance at Santana before she furrowed her brow slightly as she watched Santana smile lightly and nod. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, do you remember when you were talking about your past and you parents?" Santana questioned, the Latina wincing when she felt Dani stiffen against her before she blonde gave a short nod. "I was wondering if you'd answer some questions for me..."

"Okay." Dani muttered.

"When you said all hell broke loose," Santana whispered as she glanced down at the woman lying against her chest, the blonde biting her lower lip nervously. "What did you mean? Did they just kick you out?"

Dani was silent for a long moment as she slowly and carefully shifted slightly in Santana's arms, rolling herself further into the younger woman's embrace and feeling the Latina's arms subtly tighten around her body.

"Do you know that scar you love to run your finger over?" Dani asked, Santana nodding eagerly as she sunk her hand down to tuck itself underneath the bed sheets before seeking out the jagged edge running along the side of the blonde's stomach.

"Yeah, it's one of my favorite things about your body." Santana smirked as she playfully wiggled her brow causing Dani to release a light snort as she swatted playfully at the taller woman's stomach. "Anyway, what about it?"

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