Chapter 35 Part Two

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Prompt: Yay, the next four "chapters". And so y'all don't get confused, this story doesn't really have a timeline that I'm following. It kind of spreads out throughout their whole relationship :D

Marry someone who wraps you up inside their coat in the winter.

"Who in the hell has a winter wedding?" Santana complained with a pouted lower lip as she glanced over at her girlfriend who shot her a quick look in an attempt to silence her. "I'm serious. This is just stupid."

"Babe, shut up." Dani hissed through the corner of her mouth as she kept her eyes up front and watched Kurt sob out his vows to Blaine who wasn't bothering to hide his own tears. "They're almost done, okay?"

Santana huffed as she slipped down slightly in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest as she shivered lightly and attempted to warm herself up; she couldn't wait to beat the crap out of Kurt for choosing a winter wedding.

The Latina allowed her gaze to travel around the room and she was a little satisfied to see she wasn't the only one freezing her tits off; Rachel was cuddled up next to Quinn whose lips were tinted a light blue while a quivering Marley cuddled into Jake's side.

Tina had herself wrapped around Mike while Kitty seemed to have slipped off her own seat to push herself into Artie's wheelchair, the boy holding her in his arms as he shivered lightly and rubbed at her arms as Puck attempted to scoot closer to a pale Mr. Schue.

Sighing heavily, Santana clenched her fists as she saw her breath steam out in front of her before she glanced over at Dani who's cheeks and nose were red and her lips were just a shade too light for Santana's liking.

Uncurling herself, Santana carefully draped an arm over the back of Dani's chair causing the blonde to sigh lightly in relief as she leaned over to rest her head comfortably on Santana's shoulder as she watched the couple vowing themselves to each other.

"Do you think that's going to be us some day?" Dani whispered into Santana's ear causing the dark-haired woman's eyebrows to shoot up as she glanced down at the older woman who looked at her with a shy smile.

"You and me?" Santana clarified with a slight squeak watching as Dani bit her lower lip before nodding slightly, the younger woman softening as she caught sight of the light fear in her girlfriend's gaze. "It could be."

Santana watched as a small, defeated smile appeared on Dani's face before she rested her head back on Santana's shoulder and turned her attention to where the minister was delivering the last few words to the two men.

Soon, Santana was being ushered into the banquet hall where the reception was being held and the woman shivered lightly as she glanced around the room that had been decorated to resemble a winter wonderland.

Sighing, Santana watched as Dani hurried off to talk to Rachel about the song they would be performing later leaving the dark-haired woman to her own devices as she wondered off to grab a glass of champagne while people flooded the dance floor.

The woman silently wondered around the area and watched with a gentle smile as Dani spoke to Rachel, their heads bowed close together while the blonde smiled brightly and nodded along to everything Rachel said.

Finding her own little corner, Santana leaned back against the wall and allowed herself to be warmed slightly by the taste of alcohol. Closing her eyes, the dark-haired woman drank slowly and listened to the slow jazz playing in the room.

Santana smiled as she opened her eyes and watched Blaine and Kurt twirl happily around with guests surrounding them in complete, and total frozen awe; it was sweet, how happy they looked and how their love showed in their stares.

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