Chapter 6

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Prompt: Dani and Santana's child's first steps.

"Come on, Oliver." Santana Lopez called as she excitedly clapped her hands together before extending her arms to the ten month old who stared back at her from his place on his toy mate. "You can do it, baby."

Oliver cooed loudly as he tucked his fist into his mouth for a long moment before gurgling as he finally fell forward onto his hands and scrambled to Santana. With a sigh of defeat, Santana smiles lightly as she pressed a kiss to the top of his light locks before shaking her head.

"Babe, you can’t force him to do something he doesn’t want to do." Dani sang as she entered the room, a laundry basket balanced on her hip. "Rachel and Quinn said Nova didn’t walk till they stopped encouraging her."

"But I want him to walk so bad." Santana complained before glancing down at the little boy, nuzzling her nose in his hair for a moment. "Think of how much easier life would be if he was walking around instead of us having to carry him."

"Uh, life wouldn’t be easier because we’d constantly be chasing him around and he’d be breaking everything we value.” Dani scoffed before making her way over to her wife and son, kneeling before them as she set the laundry basket aside.

"Tell mommy you want to walk, even if you do destroy the entire house." Santana smirked as she bounced Oliver lightly in her lap, the ten month old looking from Santana to Dani before stuffing his fist into his mouth. "Maybe we should bribe him."

"Bribe him?" Dani repeated as she reached out and carefully took Oliver into her arms, glancing down at the baby as she rolled her eyes in amusement before shaking her head at the little blonde boy. "Your mama is crazy, huh?"

"I am not crazy!" Santana huffed as she stood quickly, rushing off to vanish around the corner before appearing just as quick again and wiggling Oliver’s favorite cookie box in the air. "I want him to walk, D."

"Babe, he’s only ten months old." Dani reminded the Latina as she leaned forward, placing a hand on Oliver’s stomach to balance him on her lap as she grabbed the little boy’s favorite stuffed tiger.

"Ti!" Oliver squealed in happiness as he grabbed the blue tiger from Dani’s hands, tucking the tag into his mouth.

"I happen to think he’s ready, it may take a little bit but I think once we get him standing then he’ll be ready." Santana shrugged as she pulled a cookie out of the little baggy. "He’s already pulling up on things, walking is the next step…no pun intended."

Dani chuckled in amusement as she gently removed Oliver from her lap, setting him down against her knees as he flashed her a quick lopsided smile, the look reminding Dani of the playful expression Santana sometimes wore whenever she was in one of her more excitable, adorable moods.

"Alright, Ollie! Look!" Santana called as she dangled the cookie a few feet away from her son, brown eyes zeroing in on the treat. "Look, it’s your favorite. All you have to do is walk to mama and you can have it."

Oliver paused with the tag hanging limply from his mouth as he began to babble around it, a thin layer of drool settling on his chin causing Dani to roll her eyes as she reached out to grab a nearby burp cloth, the blonde leaning forward to wipe the baby’s chin clean as she noticed his gaze settled firmly on the cookie.

"Baby, that’s so mean.” Dani sighed with a shake of her head, Santana sighing in annoyance before she crawled forward on her knees and handed the baby his treat, Oliver dropping his tiger to accept the cookie.

"I suppose you’re right, maybe we should just give him time to walk on his own." Santana pouted before leaning forward, Dani meeting her halfway as she pressed their lips together lightly. "I’m supposed to be meeting Brittany for brunch soon…"

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