Chapter 4

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Prompt: High school AU Dani Torres is Rachel Berry's best friend, and Santana Lopez has a crush on her.

Santana smirked as she sat in the back row of the choir room; her brown eyes stay locked on the blonde girl who was leaning against the piano laughing along to whatever Rachel was saying as she moved her hands around frantically.

The Latina dug her teeth into her lower lip as she watched the way the blonde easily flicked her hair from her eyes revealing two pools of straight chocolate. For a moment, she looks at them before she squirms in her maroon chair as she released a light huff.

"You seriously need to stop eye fucking the poor girl."

Santana jumped in her seat as her head quickly whipped to the left to meet hazel orbs. A frown slowly grew on her face as she stared at her best friend, Quinn shooting her a quick wink as she curled one leg over the other.

"I'm not..."

"You are." Quinn cut in with a frown as she crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't understand why you don't just talk to her. She's been in Glee for the last two months and the most you've said to her is get out of my way."

"She's best friends with Berry, Q. Obviously she's not right up here." Santana mumbled as she tapped her forehead before shooting another look towards the blonde. "But she's so fucking hot. Damn."'

"Just get up and talk to her, S. Maybe try starting with a nice hello." Quinn ordered as she gestured with her head towards the girl before sighing heavily. "All you have to do is get your flabby ass up and say hi to her."

"Okay, first of all, if you ever call me flabby again I will go all Lima Heights on you." The Latina growled as she raised her hand to mime a slap causing Quinn to huff out a laugh. "And second of all, no. I'm not saying hello to that nerd."

Mr. Schue chose that moment to come skipping into the room and Santana breathed a sigh of relief as the classroom quieted and the students milled off to their seat; the Latina turned her gaze to the bottom row as she watched Dani drop into a seat beside Tina.

The dark-haired cheerleader narrowed her eyes as she watched the way Tina said something to Dani before taking her hand in her own, twisting it around to drag her fingers over a tattoo that decorated the blonde's wrist.

Santana could almost hear her teeth grinding as she huffed lightly and narrowed her eyes at the pair, her gaze burning into the back of Tina's head till a pair of familiar brown eyes met hers and she felt her breath catch in her lungs.

Dani stared at Santana for a long moment with a look of confusion and wonder causing the Cheerio to look away quickly, finding the pleats of her skirt suddenly interesting as she zoned in on whatever Mr. Schue was saying.

"I'm really excited about this one, guys." Mr. Schue declared as he rested his hands on hips with a bright expression on his face. "We're going to be splitting up into groups, and before you ask, I've already picked them out."

The class groaned good naturally at the man's words causing him to chuckle lightly as he moved towards the whiteboard and uncapped a pen before scrawling the groups across the board.

"First up we're going to have Finn, Kurt, and Tina." Mr. Schue wrote as he turned to watch the way Finn furrowed his brow slightly as he shot his stepbrother a quick glance to find that he was too busy high-fiving Tina.

"We've got this in the bag, T." Kurt stage-whispered to the Asian who only giggled in response before turning to see Dani smiling at her, Santana once again clenching her jaw in a silent rage of jealousy.

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