Chapter 26

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Prompt: Dani is sick, and as much as Santana wants to take care of her something scares her off.

Santana Lopez frowned slightly when Rachel Berry came rushing into the small diner, the dark-haired woman half paying attention to the order her customer was spitting out before she simply nodded and walked away.

The Latina put in the order and hurried into the kitchen, ducking around a few cooks and dodging another waitress before she broke into the break room where she found Rachel pulling her hair into a ponytail.

"What are you doing here? Dani's on this shift." Santana frowned as she approached her roommate, the smaller brunette sighing as she stripped from her jacket and threw it into her locker along with her purse.

"Well, Dani called me a little bit ago and she's really sick." Rachel explained watching as a worried expression appeared on Santana's face. "Don't worry, she told me that she thinks it's just the flu."

"Just the flu? How is that possible? Her and I literally just got our flu shots!" Santana scoffed as she threw her arms up, quickly stripping herself free from her white apron. "Okay, I'm going to go check on her."

"Santana, you can't just leave! Debbie, Brooke, and I can't work yours and Dani's shifts." The smaller brunette pouted as she watched her roommate seeing the way she was worriedly gathering her things. "I'm sure she'll be fine."

"Rachel, I can't'd be wrong to just leave her without someone there to keep an eye on her. Remember when you made Kurt and I sleep in your room whenever you got the flu last year?" Santana questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Rachel cleared her throat before blushing, "Fine. Go."

"You're the best, Berry." Santana beamed as she bounced towards the shorter woman and pressed a quick kiss to her cheek, Rachel rolling her eyes in response. "I'll text you later to let you know if I'll be home or not."

Santana didn't give her friend much time to reply before she grabbed her jacket and purse, rushing out of the break room and scurrying out of the diner before speed walking down the sidewalk towards Dani's apartment.

The Latina easily dodged a few passing strangers and ducked around a man unloading boxes nearby before she finally reached Dani's apartment building, Santana taking the stairs two at a time as she buzzed herself in.

She and Dani had been together for a while, and not even three days ago, Dani had given her a key to use for emergencies and Santana easily slipped it into place before letting herself into the blonde's apartment.

"Babe?" Santana called as she shed her jacket, dropping her purse on the table beside the door before she looked around the silent apartment before following the sound of a loud, raspy coughing sound.

The younger woman couldn't help but release a sound of sympathy as she found Dani sitting propped against a few pillows in her bed, the blonde's hair thrown in a sloppy pony tail and her face a paler shade than it had been the day before.

"San?" Dani sniffled with a look of confusion.

"Hey, you." Santana smiled as she crossed the room and stood beside Dani's bed, cupping the side of her face before leaning down to press a gentle kiss to her sweaty forehead. "Rach said you were sick."

"Yeah, but I'm perfectly alr..." Dani cut herself off with a loud cough, the blonde turning her face away from her girlfriend as she coughed into a wad of kleenex before groaning. "You should go, I don't want you to get sick."

"I don't think I'll get sick, D. I just got a flu shot." Santana shrugged as she watched the blonde closely seeing the way her eyes were beginning to droop. "Oh, my poor baby. I'm going to guess that homeless man really did give you the flu."

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