Chapter 2

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Prompt: Dani and Santana becoming girlfriends.

"Doesn’t she look adorable?"

"I know, right? Nervous Santana is the cutest."

"I just want to squeeze her!"

"Group hug?"

"Touch me and you die." Santana Lopez spat as she turned to shoot her best friends a quick glare, Kurt and Rachel dissolving into giggles as they watched her. "And by the way, I’m not cute. I’m badass."

"Oh please, you are totally head over heels for this girl." Kurt scoffed as he collapsed onto the couch, Rachel falling beside him with a smirk. "So, what are you going to do about it? You’ve been pacing the living room for the last fifteen minutes."

"I-I’m terrified." Santana breathed out as she turned to face the pair. "Like I told Rachel, I’ve never dated a lesbian. I’ve always been the hit and quit it type with bi-curious girls who usually can’t last past one mind blowing orgasm.”

"Okay, ew." Rachel frowned, shivering lightly before locking eyes with the Latina. "Well, first you need to figure out if you’re ready to actually be in another relationship…are you really over Brittany?”

Santana paused for a moment as her mind whirled with sudden thoughts and memories of her ex-girlfriend. Brittany was the first girl she had ever really allowed herself to like, allowed herself to love; she had always believed they were soulmates.

And then she thought of Dani, all tattooed and gorgeous with a laugh that sent shivers up her spine; it was a whole new start for Santana, and it terrified her that she was actually into someone who wasn’t Brittany.

"I’m always going to love Brittany," Santana confessed in a slow, soft tone. "She was my first everything, and nothing can take that away, but I’m ready for something new. I’m ready to start over, to turn the page."

Kurt struggled to hold in an excited squeal as he reached out to clutch one of Rachel’s hands in his own, “So, does that mean we’re going to be adding a new addition to our weird band of misfits?”

"Oh God, I don’t want you two freaks to infest her with your weirdness. You’ve already done an awesome job on stripping me of my coolness." Santana sighed with an exaggerated eye roll before breaking out into a soft smile. "But yes, hopefully their will be a new addition."

This time, Kurt didn’t bother to hide his excitement as he and Rachel both clambered over the back of the couch to launch themselves at the Latina who laughed loudly and allowed herself to be sandwiched between the pair.

"You are so cute, Santana Lopez.” Rachel giggled as she pressed a wet kiss to the woman’s cheek causing her to groan in protest as she began to squirm in the hug. “I’m so excited!”

"Calm your tits, Berry." Santana ordered in a fond tone as she struggled her way free of the pair before brushing herself off and titling her chin with a small smirk. "Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a girl to win over."

"That’ah girl, Lopez!" Kurt exclaimed.

"Awesome." Dani grumbled as she glanced down at her uniform that now had several large splotchs of ketchup decorating the front of it causing her to sigh heavily. "What a fucking awesome way to end my shift."

The blonde ran a towel over her white apron a few times in hopes that it would clean it, but instead she only succeeded in making a bigger mess causing her to growl lightly under her breath before she shook her head.

"Forget it. Stupid ketchup. It's the worst condiment to ever exist." Dani snarled as she shot a quick glare to the red bottles sitting before her as she tossed her towel aside and retreated to her favorite part of the whole diner.

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